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To explain:
Mai won't win everything, especially not in her current condition (blindness and memory loss)
Her interaction with Shinsou proves it.

Not only did she fall for it out of confusion because of her blindness. But she didn't remember Shinsou or his quirk. Meaning she forgot about his existence once he was unconscious lol.

She may be strong and smart but she still has weaknesses.
That's just life.


It didn't take long for Mai to wake up from her forced nap. Once she was awake Recovery girl put her to work, healing the kids she helped beat the shit out of.
Bakugou probably had the worst injuries out of all of them.

He had some pretty bad burns up his arms at Mai felt bad about.
Recovery girl tought her simple first aid and such along with training her quirk.
Recovery girl's quirk allowed her to use a person's energy to heal their wounds. Mai's quirk let her give energy and use it to heal their wounds.

Meaning they worked in similar ways.

She healed each of their cuts so they wouldn't scar and all she had to do after that was wait. They'd probably be out for awhile.
They laid side by side in cots in recovery girl's office. She didn't have enough beds for all of them at the moment.

It's been awhile since a whole class was knocked unconscious.
Plus the thirdyears.

Mai was cleared to go back to the dorms and did so gladly. She came in and sat next to Eri who was watching yet another princess movie.

This one seemed older than the last ones, it was about a girl who was once in a relationship with a farm boy. But then he went over seas and was killed by pirates.
Later on a prince with a humorous name chose her to be his wife, only to hire people to kidnap her so he could blame it on another country to start a war.
The people that kidnapped her were: a giant that enjoys rhyming, a guy with a sword who made his dead father his entire personality and a short guy with little to no hair and a catch phase that doesn't mean what he thinks it means.

(If y'all know this one we need to be friends)

"Where are the other kids?"
Eri asked Mai as two characters played a game of "guess where the poison is"

"They're all taking naps in the nurse's office."
Mai said Patting Eri's head.
The girl nodded because of course this made perfect sense.

Then as it started getting dark, one by one the awoken teens walked in. Each of them had a piece of what happened, but none knew exactly what happened.
They all knew that Mai beat their asses almost single handedly though.

"Hey Mai!"
Kirishima said with a smile, skipping up to her.
"You did great in training today!"
He complimented happily, he had gone the whole walk without worrying for Mai or shaking uncontrollably, maybe he'd even be able to sleep in his own bed tonight!

"Don't even talk about it bro..."
Kaminari whined dropping on the couch.
"That was embarrassing."

"So! Tell me literally everything that happened!"
Mina said hopping up with Jirou in close pursuit.

"Good job out there by the way."
Jirou said with a laugh.
"You really got us good."

"Where's Bakugou?"
Mai asked patting Eri's head as she chomped and some of her snacks and kicked her legs while watching the movie.

"I don't know, pouting? What'd you do to him anyways?"
Mina said with a smile, she really wanted details didn't she?

"She blew him up! Didn't you see that one huge explosion?!"
Kirishima said proudly.
"Then she knocked me out!"

"Wait so you made an explosion?"
Jirou asked, taking one of Eri's cookies much to the little girl's dismay.

"No, I just blew him up..."
Mai said tilting her head when the last student entered the room and immediately walked to the stairs.
"I got to go, wait here."
Mai said getting up while Kirishima and Jirou told Mina the details of the fight.


Mai walked to the stairs and held the railing tightly, her toe tapping each step before going up to make sure they were there.
She heard a door open and close, the pinpointed the location of it and followed behind him.
"Hey wait."
She said down the hall and he hesitated, turning around.


"Don't be so surprised, I said we were going to talk about this."
She said, standing with her hand on the wall. She was nervous and unsure, the interaction she had with him during training playing again in her mind.
"What happened?"
She asked, did she do something? Or was it him?

He stuttered and turned away, he didn't want to look at her. Tears grew in his eyes again.

"What? What did I do?"
She asked again with a frown.

"You died...."
His voice was barely over a whisper, but the two words screamed through Mai's mind.

Mai's mouth parted.
"Yes... I did..."
She said unsurely.

"If I had been a little faster... if I had done my duty and kept up with my classmates... If I had noticed... You'd be fine right now... You would have your memories, you would be able to see."
He said, still whispering. He rubbed his face.
"If I-"

"Shut up."
Mai said with a disappointed frown.
Iida turned in shock.


"There are so many "what ifs" in life, you shouldn't try to count them all."
Mai said, she turned and slouched against the wall with a glare.
"Everyone keeps talking to me about my death, like it was their fault and it's getting irritating."
She grumbled.

Iida straightened, listening intently.

"Yeah I don't remember. Yeah I can't see. But right now I'm fine, I don't remember what I was thinking that day but I know that Mai Rika knew she would die.
She knew she would die and she didn't care because she wanted you guys to live! Is that so hard to believe?"
She asked Crossing her arms. She didn't remember shit, but everyone else did. These people had PTSD from her death and it was starting to piss her off for some reason.

"I-I'm sorry-"
Iida stuttered. Mai was alive and well, she was also angry and he didn't know it it was a good or bad thing.

"Good, Because next time you're gonna fight me in training. Idiot."
Mai mumbled.
She wasn't pissed off at their trauma, she was pissed off that they were sad for her when she was fine.

"Alright, I will."
Iida said bowing.
"Thank you Rika-"

"Don't be so stiff, call me Mai like everyone else."

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