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"Where did that come from?"
Ami or "the chocolatier" asked running behind Sero who went to go find the source of that explosion. It was so big it literally shook the ground beneath them.

"Probably from the base of that building that fell down, that's where Bakugou went."
He said running just barely ahead of her.

"If it came from Bakugou that's probably a good sign right? There's no way his opponent could survive that big of an explosion right?"
She asked in between taking breaths.

"Probably, but they might still need help."
Sero said and Ami nodded.

After a few minutes of running they stopped, taking a few gasping breathes. Why did it have to be so far? They both thought as they caught their breath.
Ami said gaining the courage to ask something she'd been meaning to bring up.

Sero asked turning around.

"This may sound stupid but... Do you and Kirishima ever talk?"
She asked nervously.

"Sure, about what?"
He asked not sure what she was getting at.

"You know... about... girls?"
She said avoiding his eye.

"Ah, I see where this is going... Listen you're cute but-"

"A few days ago I caught Kirishima leaving Mai's dorm one morning!"
She interrupted, not wanting him to think she was that desperate.

He paled.
He asked, prepared to hear a healthy amount of tea.

"I don't know what happened! O-or what they did! But I left my dorm one morning at the same time he left hers-"

He yelled in shock and then covered his mask in shock.
'Damn he works quick-'

"Well I don't know about that! That's why I was asking! I thought maybe you knew if... If they did anything..."
She said guiltily. She didn't mean to bring it up to start drama or to gossip.
She just kinda wanted closure, about every that happened. She figured his friends would know what actually happened.

Appearntly not.

"Please don't spread that around! I don't want this to come back to them I swear!"
She pleaded.


The conversation was dropped when they heard some yelling in the direction of where the explosion went off.

Neither said a word as they ran to the battle.


He hit her, the punch landed directly on her cheek and her head flew to the side as she stumbled back. Her mask had been lost during Bakugou's explosions meaning her proud smile was fully visible.
'Shes... SMILING-'

In Kirishima's moment of bliss he forgot about the fight, he only say how pretty Mai was.
He didn't see her fist coming at his face.

Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugou were all out of commission.

And company was approaching quickly.
Mai walked to Kaminari and took energy from him, slicing a shallow cut in the skin of his shoulder and drawing enough that he definitely wouldn't wake up anytime soon.
She repeated the process with Kirishima and Bakugou until they all had matching uniform cuts on their right shoulders.

Then Mai ducked into a building right as Sero and Ami arrived at the scene.
Mai crouched under a window and listened.
She used this time and the energy she had stored to heal her hands, which really hurt.

Ami yelled as the first unconscious teen came into her view. Sero and her sped up immediately when they realized they weren't walking into a battlefield anymore.

"Denki and Bakugou too! What the hell happened here?!"
Sero said running to Bakugou.
He was out cold, and had several burns.
"How'd Bakugou get burnt?"
He asked looking at his injuries.

"I don't know, Kirishima only has bruises and a cut, what about Kaminari?"
Ami asked taking her time helping Kirishima.
'Aw look at his face! With his pointy teeth poking out! He's so cut- Wait! No! No I have to stop this.'
"N-nevermind I will."
Ami chuckled nervously walking to Kaminari, he had a bump on his head and a small cut but that was all.

"We should bring them back to the others, set up a medical area for them and anyone else who might be injured. Remember we need to treat this like an actual terrorist attack."
Sero said wrapping Bakugou with his tape.
'I wish we had Uraraka, carrying these guys is gonna be a pain-'

Ami created a platform from an m&m and pulled Kaminari onto it.

Mai waited, not sure if she should strike yet. She didn't know much about Ami's quirk, or Sero's all she knew was that she smelled like candy and he had really funky elbows.

"Alright! Put Bakugou on here, I should be able to carry them all no problem!"
She said.

'She made a platform from something so she likely has a manipulation type quirk, most of the time those are limited by how much they can control or carry...'
Mai assessed. But Ami said she could do it "no problem" was she lying? She sounded slightly strained.

"Alright, just let me tape up Bakugou's open wounds."
Sero said and Mai heard a odd sound. Like a tape dispenser.

With a new grasp on their quirks and her hands partly healed Mai decided it was time to make an appearance.


"So we got them? Doesn't that mean the training is over?"
Shinsou asked, he had Mirio wrapped up so he wouldn't once again jump into the river.

"This isn't an appropriate way to treat a civilian!!"
Mirio said with a smile that didn't match his words.

"Well actually a hero is supposed to protect the innocent, and you're appearntly suicidal or something. So it's very appropriate."
Shinsou grumbled, he was tired and soaking wet from being thrown into the river by Tsu so he would grab onto the guy with his scarf.

He was too far out of range from Tsu's tongue. So she held shinsou and he jumped into the river so he could grab Mirio with his scarf.
Only to have to repeat it a second time when the guy jumped again.

Mirio exclamed with a laugh.

"I don't-"

"So there's probably other villains right? Like the ones Bakugou was fighting?"
Uraraka asked.
They had all of the big three now. Tamaki was frozen in Todoroki's ice and Hado was caught in Momo's net.
"We won't tell you hero's anything!"
She exclamed, puffing out her cheeks.

Little did they know for the first time, this was more than a simple exercise.

This was class one A vs Mai Rika.

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