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Mai closed her eyes as she laid down on her bed. Woven blankets covered her body as she sunk into the comfortable bed.
But like every night something felt off.

Or missing. Like she was waiting for something before she could sleep. Like a part of her wasn't there.
She turned on her side and grabbed one of her pillows, wrapping her arms and then throwing her leg over it. She pressed her face against it and frowned.

She turned again and faced her back to the pillow. She always found it hard to fall asleep unless she was exhausted.
She closed her sightless eyes and took a deep breath, preparing for a long night.


Kirishima hugged his pillow close, setting his chin on top of it.
His eyes on the small plusie set on his desk.
He'd taken it from Mai's room because he sympathized with it. As though the object missed Mai as much as he did.

The stuffed hero was facing the window with his usual stiched on smile as he watched the rain. Kirishima closed his eyes and listened to the sound of rain pounding the window.

A sound of air being blown through the vents showed that the air conditioning had started dispite the cold weather.

He thought as his vision blurred and a sudden wave of exhaustion hit him. A few moments ago he was wide awake and now his body felt heavy. He noticed something going on and attempted to sit up but to no avail.
His head hit the pillow and he heard a thump I down the hall.

Kirishima whispered as he slowly lost consciousness.

'What the hell...'


Shiggaraki held up a clear glass container.
He looked at it for a moment and then that the man infront of him.
"What is this?"
He asked the lanky figure.

The man had neon green hair and even brighter green eyes. A warning of the toxic gases he could breath out.
"A sleeping gas that is completely undetectable by the average human. It'll keep even the strongest Heroes asleep for around five hours."
He explained lightning a cigarette.

"If it's undetectable how would I know you're not selling me air?"
Shigaraki hissed setting it down.

The guy put his hands up defensively.
"Oh come on Shiggaraki, would I ever lie to you?"
He asked before feeling a hand grab his hair and shove him against the wall.

"I'm not sure."
Shiggaraki hissed holding the container up to the man's face.
"That's why I'm asking."
He explained and the guy nodded.

"I swear man! Now get this crusty bastard off of me!"
He said and Dabi scoffed.

"Let me tell you something Vapor, if this is fake, I'll cut open your lungs and take what I need. Understand?"
Shiggaraki threatened as Dabi loosed his hold on the man.

"Dude I know! Now stop roughing me up! I got a date tonight."
The guy said brushing himself off.

"Cancel it."
Dabi said and the guy glared.

"You'll stay with us until we know for sure this stuff is what you claim it is."
Shiggaraki said.

"Come on-"
The guy was cut off by a hit to the head. The caused him to immediately lose consciousness.

Shiggaraki humed and looked at the bottle with a smile. A feeling bubbling up in his gut.
'I'm... I'm so excited!'


Bakugou gasped and covered his mouth with a cloth. This couldn't be a coincidence. The air conditioning system hadn't been touched all winter because the heating didn't work.
The students were using regular space heaters until it was up and running again.

After it started Bakugou felt drowsy. The coffee he'd just drank had prevented him from falling asleep until now.
He thought shoving his shirt over his mouth and nose.

He stood up and stumbled Side to side.
Trying to get to the door while holding his breath.

His eyes drooped slightly and he shoved his shoulder into the door after unlocking it.
He fell into the hallway and hit his head on the wall.
'Where's ponytail and her gas masks when we need them...'
He thought taking a final few steps before collapsing onto the ground.

He held the cloth to his face and held his breath until he couldn't. He took a desperate breath when the lack of oxygen become to much and inhaled the toxic gas.

Fighting this was useless And he didn't know if it was explosive or not. Using his quirk could result in blowing the entire dorm sky high along with everyone in it.

Which wouldn't be horrible but his drum set was here and it was expensive.
And his friends weren't so bad either, but they could handle themselves.

'Aizawa... Where's... Aizawa..."
He thought as his vision began to blur and his body became heavy.
'Fuck! Stupid... Ass... Shit...'
He thought his mind becoming a confusing mess. What was going on? Why wasn't he in bed?

His thoughts drifted and his mind shut down to rest.


Mai sat up and yawned.
She hadn't gotten much sleep but she'd get over it. She adjusted the harem pants and bindings on her chest before standing up.

She used her energy to create a staff and groggily walked to the room beside her own.
She pushed open the door and walked past Alma to the bathroom.

"Good morning."
Alma greeted and Mai grunted in response.
After freshening up and walked over and dropped onto the bed.

"Mai I'd think it's time we talked about your past."
Alma said and Mai shot up. She'd been bothering Alma about that for weeks only to be avoided, and now she was saying it on her own?!

Mai said paying very close attention.

"Mai, when you were a child you were taken captive by a man named Amaya Keiji..."

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