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The cold night air hit their faces as they made it to the shed hiding the tunnel leading to the shelter underground.
But Bakugou was hit with a sickening realization.

They had never left the Yaoyorozu mansion.

It sat in it's full glory not more than twenty yards away from the tunnel.
Bakugou whispered, Kirishima and Mai got out beside him.

"What is it... Woah... wait do they know or-"
Kirishima asked.

"Of course they do. There's no way he snuck all those people and that type of equipment down there without them knowing, not to mention bringing us down there."
Bakugou said, slamming the door to the shed they came out of.

"Why... Why would they do that?!"
Kirishima asked holding Mai.

"Well I'm sure the rent they charge to a billionaire criminal is pretty high."
Mai said shaking her head.
She couldn't see the house, but figured out what they were probably talking about.

"Whatever, we have to get outta here."
Bakugou said stomping off.

"How are we getting to UA?! Mai's in no condition to walk that far."
Kirishima said and Mai wobbled to the side as she was injected with another dose of the drug.

Bakugou walked forward with a glare, shoving his hands in the pockets of his dress pants.
"I'm not walking anywhere."


"I didn't know you could drive."
Kirishima said as Bakugou pulled out of the long Driveway.

"I didn't know he was so good at stealing cars."
Mai added, with her head on Kirishima's chest.

"My parents taught me."
He shook his head.
"How to drive, not how to steal cars."
He mumbled, keeping his eyes on the road.

Kirishima chuckled, wrapping a arm around Mai gently. Brushing hair from her face.
This was okay right? He didn't want to touch her in a way that reminded her of that perverted freak Keiji.

The ride through the dark streets of the city was quiet. When sneaking into the garage they noticed how the Premises had been cleared of all UA students. Meaning that either they'd noticed their disappearance and took the other students away.
Or it was after Midnight and the tired students and teachers left without realizing they were missing three students.

Kirishima was the tall buildings with Bright lights as they quickly rode through the city he grew up in.
He couldn't help but think about everything Keiji said, and how horrible it must have been for Mai to hear. Especially with her memories freshly burned into her head.

She'd rarely spoken of her parents to him.
Only mentioning them twice, but he knew that she had no idea who they were or how they passed. Let alone the fact that they were cruelly murdered. Keiji had admitted to literally torturing her father to death. Torturing his own brother and enjoying it.

And also telling her that the death of her friend happened because of their friendship? That man was horrible and incredibly cruel.
He was able to get someone as stubborn and brave as Bakugou to keep his mouth shut while touching a teenage girl without consent while being told to stop multiple times.

Mai's mental state was bad enough as it is, without all of that shit added into it.

How was it possible for someone as evil as that to actually exist? How was it possible for a man like that to sleep at night? How was it possible for him to be so incredibly unashamed of his actions that he would go far enough to even laugh about it.
He was pure evil and Kirishima wanted to destroy him.

For the first time ever Kirishima actually wanted to kill someone.
Not just that, he wanted to do it slowly. He wanted to cause that man an unbelievable amount of pain. He wanted to hear him beg for forgiveness while Kirishima beat him with his bare hands.

Was that wrong?

Was it wrong that Kirishima didn't even see the man as a human being? That he didn't think Keiji had a soul? That he was actually fantasizing about killing someone?

Kirishima shook his head, that wasn't important right now, making sure Mai was safe and sane should be his priority.

It didn't take long for them to pull up to the gates of UA.

"Alright, come on."
Bakugou mumbled putting the car in park and opening the door.
"The cameras can't see our faces in here, we have to get out for the gate to let us in."

Kirishima nodded in understanding and popped open his own door, practically carrying Mai out with him.
He wrapped an arm around her and held her comfortingly. She hadn't spoken a word since they started driving, so he didn't know exactly how she felt.
But he could assume she wasn't in high spirits.

She mumbled to herself and grumbled about having to walk and being tired.
So Kirishima bent down and swooped her up, his arm holding the back of her knees. Whatever drug she was being injected with sure was strong.

The door opened as their faces were scanned by the cameras, immediately giving them entry. Then they ran across the campus. Mai's body thumped against Kirishima's chest as the 1-A dorm came into view.


The very tired Shota Aizawa herded his students into the common room of the dormitory.
He was even more tired than usual and had come to the realization that chaperoning a dance was way worse than simply teaching a class, and he was content to not do it ever again.

"Oh my goodness that was soooo fun!"
Mina exclaimed and Jirou nodded along.
"And you have to tell me every detail later."
She whispered to her other friend.

Mai nodded with a polite smile.
"Sure, but I think it's time i head to bed."

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