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"Hi! I'm a hostage!"
Mirio cheered from the ropes he was tied in.
Mai had flown him over to the fallen tower to find it almost in working shape.
Mirio was completely defenseless at the moment because... Well because he was quirkless due to the incident with the Yakuza.

"Mirio! Mai!"
Uraraka said as she walked out the building with her hands behind her head. They had to treat this like Mirio was actually in danger. He was a life they needed to protect, meaning they were at Mai's mercy.

Momo stayed hiding in the building while Todoroki and Uraraka stood outside. She prepared a dart gun designed for sniping and sat by a window.
Mai knew that there was someone else in the building of course but she also knew what to do.

"Release the citizen!"
Todoroki commanded.

"Are you in any place to be making demands?"
Mai asked, knowing he was likely stalling for his teammate, who was lining up her shot.

"I'll ask you again-"
A dart whizzed towards Mai, who stepped aside and allowed it to penetrate Mirio's arm.
Todoroki cursed under his breath and Uraraka winced.

"That was reckless and you know it."
Mai lectured, holding him up by his arms as he passed out.
"If that had been an actual bullet a man would be dead and you'd be out of the job."
She said to Momo who groaned, regretting her risky mistake.

"Now come out here, I can still kill him in this hypothetical situation."
Mai commanded.

Infact they just made this easier. Mirio had attempted to run away five times already, now that he was unconscious she didn't have to worry about him struggling.
Momo walked out of the building, hands on her head like the others, her mistake still playing on loop in her mind.

This situation wasn't looking good for them. It was checkmate.
Another easy win for Mai.


Nejire blasted Shinsou with her quirk one final time before her passed out.
He'd takes out Tamaki by making him hold still while Midoriya knocked him out.
Hado figured this would be easier if he was unconscious.

That tricky quirk of his.

She stumbled, she'd had a good run. But these first years just kept going.
God knows how much Midoriya's arm hurt. It wasn't broken, but wasn't far from it.

Tokoyami was pretty easy to take out, just because their quirks weren't an easy match up.
Tamaki had restrained him in the sun so he probably won't wake up soon.
But Ojiro and Midoriya were pretty feisty and Tsu was smart.

She stood up taller but wobbled. Taking in slow breaths. Dumb first years, being so... Talented.
Midoriya pulled back his fist, ready to land the finishing blow and be done with this long-winded training exercise.
But then a foot collided against his face as a new opponent came flying in.

And he realized this was far from over.

"Mai? Ribbit."
Tsu observed from the wall she was climbing on.

Ojiro gasped.
"Actually makes a lot of sense..."
He continued, catching his breath.

"Hado? How you holding up?"
Mai asked, stepping away from Midoriya.

"Just peachy now that you're here."
She breathed out, just as exhausted as the other students.

"Alright, what are their quirks?"
Mai asked getting in a fighting stance by Hado, who also readied herself.
The first years pulled off the ground and got in their own stances.

"One has a big tail, the other is like a frog. I'm not sure what Midoriya's quirk is but he's strong and fast."
Hado explained to the best of her ability.
But it was hot and she was tired, so it wasn't a lot of information.

The two teams stood across from each other...


Then Tsu jumped, tongue shooting out towards Hado. The thirdyear was identified as the weakest, considering she'd been fight with them longer.
But she didn't make it.

Mai jumped to the side and grabbed the slimy slightly sticky appendage. She tugged on it and roundhouse kicked Tsu once she was in range.

Mai has found that it's easier to take people down if she grabs them first.
Then she didn't need her eyes, because she could feel every part of them.

Midoriya made a move towards Hado while Ojiro tackled Mai to help Tsu.
Mai, and Ojiro wrestled on the ground. But with her quirk she was stronger.
She pushed up and flung him off of her, onto the ground beside her and sat on his back, cutting into his skin.
He cried out briefly but his struggling was short lived.

He was out like a light.

Tsu and Midoriya seemed to make a silent agreement. Since Tsu didn't really have any long range attacks she took over fighting Hado while Midoriya bounced around Mai trying his best to confuse her remaining sences.
He bounced against the wall, the ground, and the buildings around him.

He Riccheted off every surface and landed directly next to her.
Mai stood there, her hair blowing from side to side with the breeze created from Midoriya's impacts. She waited, studying his movements to the best of her ability.
This wasn't exactly an attack yet, Because he hadn't attacked her.

He was simply jumping around, a waste of energy if you asked Mai.
But he was trying to confuse her and wait for the right moment to strike, because he knew Mai could dodge or counter attack him easily.

Mai waited, and so did he.
He jumped off the roof of a building and speed in her direction from behind, he prepared a kick. Closing his eyes in shame as he was about to land a hard blow on his blind friend.
His first mistake.

Mai spun around, she angled herself to the side to avoid the kick.
Midoriya's foot hit nothing but air and sent an airwave in Tsu and Nejire's direction, knocking them both down.
Mai reached up as his eyes opened in confusion. He looked around for his missed target and laid eyes on her just as she grabbed his throat, turned on her heel.
And threw him over her head, into a building.

He didn't have time to adjust how he'll land Because of the power behind the throw. All he could do was put his arms up, over his head and pray for the best.
He broke the wall and his arm.

She panted for a moment and then checked on Nejire and Tsu, both seemed to have been hit pretty hard with the airwave. But Tsu stumbled to her feet.

Mai took a deep breath but she head a voice.
Aizawa's voice.
"That's enough for today."
She stood in confusion, it wasn't through an ear piece. Or a speaker.
But Aizawa wasn't here.

"Where are you-"
Mai whispered quietly.

Her vision went dark as an exhausted Shinsou pulled his head up, barely conscious enough to open his eyes.
His palm pressed against the rough concrete below him as he pulled himself from the ground.

Mai stood eerily still, staring straight ahead.
She was under Shinsou's control.

"Go to sleep."
Shinsou commanded, his voiced echoed in her head as she began to feel incredibly tired.
She then collapsed, asleep.

Shinsou panted and then passed out again.

One A had won.

The only reason it wasn't a draw was because Tsu was still on her feet.
The last one standing.

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