11 - home

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fourth's pov

I woke up and I decided not to go to school today. gemini was still sleeping. I turned around and checked the time to see it was only 5:47am. weird.

I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't. so I just got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went back to the room. I sat down on the bed, going underneath the sheets and going on my phone.

I scrolled through tiktok and Instagram. I saw that I had a message request on Instagram. I had messages from people I don't follow blocked. I clicked on it and it was from prom.

promm‼️: fourth
promm‼️: can you unblock me?
promm‼️: what the fuck dude
promm‼️: why are you even so mad.
promm‼️: unblock me.
promm‼️: I just want to explain.

I accepted the message request and replied.

fnj❀: wtf do you want
promm‼️: I want to explain.
fnj❀: how can you explain?
fnj❀: you literally outed me to the whole school. YOU are the reason I get bullied.
promm‼️: okay yes I know but just let me explain.
fnj❀: I don't care about what you have to say just leave me alone.
fnj❀: you can't just say sorry and expect me to forgive you just like that.
promm‼️: you're taking this too deep. they were gonna find out sooner or later.
fnj❀: no. they weren't.
promm‼️: yes they were. you acted gay. half of the school already knew.
fnj❀: what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
promm‼️: you know exactly what it means.
fnj❀: I don't. tell me what it means.
promm‼️: you acted gay. you always wore that stupid mascara and lipgloss. and don't blame me for getting bullied cause we both know you got bullied long before. nobody liked you. those rumours I never told you about were about you being fucking gay.
fnj❀: I was being comfortable. and you were the only one I could talk to about everything. and you just told the whole school my biggest secret like it was something small.
promm‼️: well you're being too sensitive about this. it's not like the whole school hates you.
fnj❀: they do.
promm‼️: no they don't. you're just making yourself think that. I know what it's like.

no he didn't. he did not know what it was like to get outed to a whole school filled with god knows how many kids by his own best friend.

fnj❀: you don't know what it's like. don't contact me ever again. and don't approach me or talk to me or even look at me in school. I hate you.
promm‼️: fourth no.
promm‼️: wait

I just let him message me and waste his time. I couldn't believe him. he tried to act like he was the victim.

I checked the time and saw it was 6:30. I guess I was sitting on my phone for about an hour. I lied down and rolled my eyes, absolutely bored and my mood ruined.

I looked around and just lied in bed.

I didn't know what to do as I just had a fight with my ex best friend. after a bit. I just got up and went to the bathroom again, but this time it was just to wander around. I didn't want to go downstairs without gemini yet.

I checked the time and it was almost 7am. I decided to wake gemini up.

"hey gem wake up." I said and leaned in, kissing his cheek. he hummed, turning around and opening his eyes. "good morning, baby." he said and I smiled at the nickname. "good morning." I said and he got up almost immediately. "what time is it?" he asked and I checked my phone. "it's 7:05am. I thought I would wake you up." I said and he smiled at me. "when did you wake up?" he asked me. "I think it was 5:50 or something." I said and he nodded.

he went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, I just lied on his bed and played on my phone. gemini came back in and went to his closet and took out his uniform.

"come on get ready." he said and I shook my head. "I'm not going to school today." I say and he looked confused. "why, are you sick?" he asked. "no I just don't feel like going." I said and he nodded.

he continued getting ready and once he was done, he gave me a kiss and left.


I stayed in the room the whole time. it's been two hours since gemini left for school. I was really bored. so I just got up and dug in his closet. I found a white hoodie and I just took it and put it on.

I went outside the room and walked downstairs. I guess I had to conquer my fear of talking to his parents without him.

I went downstairs and saw his mom, sitting on the couch watching the news. "good morning, mrs. titicharoenrak." I said and she turned her head. "fourth, sweetie, good morning. how'd you sleep?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I slept okay." I said and she nodded.

"why didn't you go to school with gemini?" she asked. "I didn't really feel like going to school today." I said and she pouted a bit. "is something wrong, sweetie? you can tell me." she said and I shook my head. "no nothing is wrong. I just wanted to stay home." I said, completely forgetting I wasn't home.

she just nodded and patted the place beside her. "come sit down." she said and I smiled. walking over and sitting down beside her.

"so what's going on between you and gemini? he doesn't want to tell me." she said and I immediately felt my face heat up. I was embarrassed. "oh uhm. nothing is going on." I said and she just looked at me with a face that showed me she didn't believe me.

"fourth he hasn't been this happy since his last girlfriend which was five months ago." she said and I looked at her. "really nothing is happening." I said and she sighed. "I don't believe you but if you don't want to tell me it's okay." she said and I kinda felt bad. "fine I'll tell you." I said and she immediately smiled. "me and gem are dating I think." I said and she slightly cheered and clapped her hands.

she was still smiling. I looked at her. she was such a nice mother. I smiled at her and then looked away.


shorter chapter. it's kind of a filler chapter. lyaa❤️

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