Chapter 5: When You Gave Me Shelter

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The hustle and bustle of lively Mondstadt had awakened you to another day; you turned away from the source of the sound, pulling a soft, heavy blanket over your face. Slowly falling back asleep, something clicked in your brain and your e/c eyes opened instantly, surveying your immediate view. A beige ceiling, and your hands clutching the blanket. "This definitely is not where I was last night," you realised, before your blood turned to ice. Had you been captured and taken back? Did Barbara lie? Were you back in that dreaded hellhole? Just hours ago, you were enraptured by the peace and freedom you had gained, the new life that was seemingly in your destiny, all for it to be cruelly snatched away the moment you had let your guard down!

You felt a spinning sensation as you suddenly felt extremely warm. It broke you inside to have experienced peace - peace that never belonged to you. "I can't do this anymore, I just can't!" you internally screamed, before beginning to sob under the covers. You had surrendered; there was nothing left to fight for at this point. After endless moments of crying, you could barely breathe, let alone notice the creaking sound on the other side of the room.

"Y/N?" a voice gently said, no more than a whisper.

You were consumed by the pain and thoughts by this point, nothing external was registering. "Please just let this misery end, I can't do this, I can't stay strong anymore. There's nothing to fight for anymore, nobody to fight for! I need to give up, I need to lose all emotions and hope." your thoughts raced. All of a sudden, the covers were lifted and you screamed, bracing for the torture and rough treatment that was to come, covering your tear-stricken face with your hands.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" the voice asked, a hint of concern flickering.

There was a moment of silence until you slowly realised that nothing was happening to you. You weren't being dragged or beaten. "Huh? What's going on?" you questioned yourself mentally. Slowly removing your hands from your face, you came face to face with the Cavalry Captain himself, your watery eyes making contact with his concerned expression. "Ahh, this is awkward," you mentally noted. Kaeya reached inside his pocket, producing a white handkerchief. He offered it to you with a polite smile.

"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you. But I do want you to know that if anything does bother you at all, run to me."

Smiling through the tears and laughing his offer off, you politely declined. "Ahah! Thank you for that, but really, I am fine. I just didn't know where I was, and I guess it scared me."

Kaeya's polite smile returned to the smirk you had become acquainted with at this point. "As the Cavalry Captain, one of my duties is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all those within Mondstadt's walls. Hence, by that criteria you are included. So unfortunately for you, I have to fulfil my duty."

Now distracted by Kaeya, you were taken by surprise at how someone could switch from being so gentle and concerned, to being so unserious and self-contented! The change was alluring though, you had to admit to yourself. Your thoughts wandered back to last night, how you had fallen asleep next to him by the crackling fireplace. "How did I end up here from there?" you thought.

Looking back at Kaeya, who was sitting by your side on the bed, you asked,

"So I'd like to ask how I ended up here. Do you know, Kaeya?" Using his name felt ever-so-silky on your lips. A second later, you were sure that a hint of a small smile had surfaced, before returning back to the standard smirk.

"As free as Mondstadt is, it is generally believed that sleeping in the streets at night is unsafe," he began, his eye awaiting your reaction. Receiving none, he continued. "I'm sure you remember what happened last night." Kaeya stated, a twinkle in his eye. Having not noticed the slight change of expression on his face, you retrieved your memories of last night. It all indeed came back to you, from Kaeya's Cryo vision to the peace you both had momentarily shared. 

"Ah yes, you showed me that snowflake - it was pretty cool," you responded. "What happened after I fell asleep?"

"I simply couldn't leave someone as delightful as you sleeping on the cold streets. So I brought you here, and this is where you can reside," the handsome, silky-voiced man spoke. Upon hearing his compliment, you chuckled to yourself, not noticing the small smile that had surfaced on Kaeya's lips hearing your laugh. 

"Delightful? On what basis? We've literally only known each other for a day or so. This Cavalry Captain cracks me up, honestly," you internally snorted. Processing his response, you suddenly turned towards him, confused. 

"Reside? I'm staying here? Surely not? And why? There's really no need for-" you began to protest, before you were silenced.

By a hash brown.

"You should eat, Y/N. It is morning, yet you are still in bed. Who knew you were such a slacker?" Kaeya cheekily commented. "As for your many, many questions - this is a spare room within the Knights of Favonius headquarters. Its' standard use is for any governing figures that visit Mondstadt from other regions.  You will be staying here."

Finally having finished the crispy hash brown that he had stuffed into your mouth, you gently replied. "Kaeya, I don't want to stay here like this. I feel guilty otherwise, staying here for free. Is there anything I could do in return - I'm more than happy to pay rent."

Your expression changed to confusion and your guard went back up, as the charming Captain leaned in toward you. "What in the world does he think he is doing? Surely this violates some sort of ethical standard?!" you internally panicked. Yet a part of you couldn't help but feel something light skip inside.

"Who says you're staying for free? Oho, there is plenty you can do for me in return - if you are up for the challenge." 

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐱𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now