Wherever you go, I will travel with you.

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Before you begin reading, if you see an external link above or at the end of this chapter, it's just to a song I listened to whilst writing this :) it gives off a vibe that I feel aligns with this chapter, so if you wanna listen to it whilst reading then go for it - happy reading! :)


Dear Y/N,

Despite the certainty of us meeting again, these cherished memories, moments woven with the fabric of our souls, remain locked within my soul, wishes and plans that are forever concealed from your knowledge. It is a heartbreak I must bear, knowing that all I can do is revisit these memories, over and over, until our next lives find their beginning...

---- Flashback ----

I paced around my office, deep in thought. After the suffering that I had subjected you to, the least I could do was show you the light of Mondstadt; the love that Mondstadt will show you, as it had shown me.
Seated at my desk, bathed in the golden dawn's glow, I retrieved a parchment and a fountain pen from my drawers.
"She seems to carry a burden, akin to mine. For this, only the beauty of Mondstadt will bring her peace."

I began the list:

- The place where love, like the wind, knows no bounds. Seek out the rarest, most delicate Windwheel Aster for Y/N.

- Where the waters mirror the tranquil heavens above. Show Y/N the secret sanctuary of life below its' surface.

- Make wishes upon falling stars at Cape Oath; I will wish to always accompany wherever you go.

- Stroll by the place where your head rested upon mine, and treat you to the delights that your heart chooses.

- Share secrets and drinks at the Angel's Share; I hope for you to feel comfortable enough to confide in me, Y/N.

- Surround you with love and support; introduce you to those with whom you will forge lasting bonds.

- Give Y/N a tour of the Knights' HQ. I hope to inspire you to join the Knights' and have a career you can be proud of.

- Support Y/N in planting her roots in Mondstadt, ensuring a secured and safe future.

- Surprise Y/N with a private serenade at the Angel's Share...share every thought and feeling, and ask for her heart.

I stopped writing, something stirring inside my chest. 
"Ah, I did not realise that my attachment towards Y/N was this deep...very well Kaeya."

--- Flashforward to a different memory ---

Staring in horror as you lay unconscious, I took a long, heavy swig from my wine flask, and allowed myself to feel the calming waves kick in. They never came.
"Why do I even try? This was a ridiculous idea, I should have stayed away. I brought Y/N here, and I again have been the sole reason for her pain. This damn curse, it does not intend to spare me, and it has never spared any of those dear to me either."
I paused, mind buzzing.
"I need to stay far away from her. As long as I keep my distance but watch over her, she will prosper without me. That's all I wish for at this point."
Disappearing, I stumbled away to a familiar place in the distance.

Sitting amongst the vineyards, heart aching, I stared up at the mansion. It was brightly lit on the inside, yet was silent and cold.
"You haven't changed a bit, have you..." I murmured to myself, slightly intoxicated. "As I ended up destroying you and Master Crepus, Y/N will only end up suffering the same fate. I must stay away."
As the realisation set in, tears fell down my cheeks as I silently cried to myself.

--- Flashforward to a different memory ---

At the peaceful Snezhnayan riverbank, we both drank to my victory against Tartaglia. As you spoke about Dainsleif and your other worries, it hurt to see you so scared...not for your life, but for mine.
The conversation soon shifted to you blaming yourself; this I could no longer take.
"No Y/N, listen t-" I interjected, but was cut off.
"No Kaeya, I practically betr-" you began to protest.
"I betrayed-,"

I couldn't let you carry that pain any longer, nor could I hold back my feelings at that point. I met your lips, and kissed you with profound love, a single kiss to absorb your pain, leaving hope, peace, and happiness in its place.


Our time together in this life may have been fleeting, but was time that I promise to do my best to remember, if the Archons have mercy. I cannot deny the ache in my heart, the longing to see you smile, and to hear your laughter again. Given the choice between freedom from this cruel cycle and reliving it all with you, I'd choose the latter a thousand times over, Y/N. I would go through all of Dainsleif's torture, many, many times over, if it meant that I was blessed with holding your hand, kissing you, and seeing you smile again.

Whether you are alive right now, or also waiting for our next life to begin, I hope these feelings and wishes reach you, my sweetheart. Instead of sorrow, let hope fill your heart, and smile at the certainty of our reunion.

Wherever you go, I will always travel with you. You are my anchor in the storm, the guiding star in my night sky. No matter how long it takes for us to meet again, you will forever be the spark that gives my soul purpose and life.

With all my affection and unwavering hope,

Kaeya Alberich

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