Chapter 15: When We Linked Up

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A few days had passed, and as the first light of dawn broke through, you found yourself packing light for the evening ahead.  Tonight was going to be one of the Fatui's renowned Snezhnayan parties, which you had infiltrated in the past as part of your Knight training. Since this often entailed gathering intel, Jean had insisted on Kaeya joining you on this mission. Although you usually operated alone, you felt a mixture of excitement and intrigue as to what the evening would bring with the attractive Kaeya by your side. Realising your thoughts had leant into a different, more fluttery direction, you tutted at yourself. Yet you couldn't help it; you knew his charm was working on you, but you just did not know how you felt about this. The last thing you wanted was for your trust in him to shatter again – you were afraid of what you would become if so.

As the stunning sun kissed the horizon, painting the sky with fiery orange and a seductive scarlet, you spotted Kaeya outside Mondstadt's gate, suitcase in one hand and a small bottle of dandelion wine in the other. "This Captain will surely kill me one day," you commented to yourself, awestruck. The fading light had cast a warm glow upon Kaeya's features, illuminating his tan skin like royalty. The angle of the sun setting had only sharpened his jawline, and his earrings sparkled like priceless jewels. You were sure inside that the Anemo Archon had slowed time, so you could admire this breathtaking view. The tranquillity of the free sky only emphasised Kaeya's confident, alluring stance, and his blue hair seemed to sway with the wind. He was enchanting. You sighed in both admiration and frustration – why did he have to be so goddamn good-looking? Upon hearing your sigh, Kaeya turned his head and he smiled upon seeing your face.
"Hey Y/N, isn't the weather wonderful? I wonder how long it will last," Kaeya greeted, his voice dripping with his signature silky charm, only making you feel more frustrated.
"Ah, indeed. It's perfection, really," you responded, failing to conceal your exasperation. Recognising the slip in your composure, you quickly changed subject. "Are you looking forward to the party? I believe this particular Fatui-hosted party will be the highlight of the year."
"Hehe, things will definitely get interesting." Kaeya remarked with a sly grin. As the two of you strolled to the boat that would transport you swiftly to Snezhnaya, you couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in Kaeya's eye. Snezhnayan parties were notorious for their late start, anything before midnight being "preparation", which only meant one thing – drinking.

Once both of you had settled in the boat and it had sailed off, Kaeya raised his dandelion wine bottle cheekily.
"Y/N, how about a few drinks? Have you experienced the delights of dandelion wine before? It has a unique body to it," he suggested playfully.
With a cheeky smile spreading across your face, you nodded in agreement.
"I have once or twice, this will be great before the party! Actually, even before entering Snezhnaya – it will be freezing," you shuddered. As you and Kaeya shared the bottle, your mind drifted. Gosh, here I am, now sharing the same bottle that his lips have touched, you thought, delightfully flustered. It's almost as if we've kissed! The wine's intoxicating effect only deepened the scarlet flush on your cheeks. As you ruminated in your own thoughts, Kaeya was staring at you intently, fixed on your rosy cheeks.
"Oho, Y/N! I had no idea you were such a lightweight," Kaeya teased, interrupting your thoughts.
"Nuh uh! No chance, I'm sure I can match your tolerance!" you insisted. Wishing to not end up drunk due to your foolish challenge, you desperately scanned the room for a topic change.
"Kaeya, may I ask how you received your Vision? I don't have one, yet everyone I've known seems to?" you asked, curious, courageous, and tipsy enough to not notice the flicker of pain that crossed Kaeya's face for a split-second.
"You don't have one, Y/N?" Kaeya asked, surprised. You shook your head.
"Nope, I suppose I don't really want one. Whoever I knew that had one, they suffered because of it. I guess Mondstadt has disproved that theory to me though!" you shrugged, before staring out of the window. Now was not the time to bring up Inazuma at all. The underground-boat cabin was silent for a while, before you broke the silence.
"So, how about some wine? And do tell me about that Collei girl again!" you giggled, eager to keep the journey light-hearted.

Four hours later, you hurried to meet Kaeya at the venue – both of you had gotten ready in your respective attires separately. As you dashed towards the entrance, a sense of anticipation filled the air, and you couldn't help but slow your pace upon catching sight of the tall, charismatic Captain. Your  orange-red gown gracefully swayed with the night breeze as you approached him, the light fabric accentuating your every movement. Locking eyes, a smile curved on your painted lips. Kaeya definitely cleaned up well, you noted. Rather than his standard clothing, he wore a full-body, plum-brown suit, with a black waistcoat and a sophisticated, rich velvet blazer to match. His hair that was usually messy was now neatly combed back into a sleek ponytail that cascaded down his back like a polished waterfall. Yet, his dashing appearance wasn't the only reason you were smiling; as Kaeya looked you up and down, you knew you looked amazing, from your (*insert your ideal hair description*), to the million-dollar, elegant smile adorning your face, ready to conquer the night.
You waited, as the alluring Captain strode up to you, before offering his arm with elegance.
"My dear lady, shall we?" Kaeya's smooth voice resonated charmingly. Sweetly smiling, you accepted, gently linking your arm with his as you both ventured inside. A flutter of excitement danced through your body as you caught his whispered words,

"Beautiful, enchanté..."

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