Chapter 25 - A risky dinner.

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Upon walking into the resort, Kree and Malibu were seated down onto a large table in the centre of the room. The polished white walls contrasted beautifully with silver and blue accents.

Kree had been offered another drink, which he gladly took and sipped on as they waited. Before long, a beautiful young woman with silver hair and a beautiful red dress came to the table and sat down.

"They even got prostitutes here?" Kree said in surprise.

Malibu, who recognized the woman as Merca, nearly spat out his drink. It took everything he had to hold in his uneasy reaction and finally gulp down the smooth whiskey.

"I'm not a prostitute," she voiced, holding back a tone of anger.

Tiggy finally emerged with two "bodyguards." Vontaine on his left, and Fritz on his right, both adorned in black tuxedos. After them were two associates of Tiggys. The first was an older man with bushy eyebrows that were always furrowed, depicting a look of anger.

Walking next to him was a beautiful woman with pastel pink hair that was done up into a bun and a flowing, dark blue dress.

The man was named Vost, and the woman's name was Synthia. They were political members of Kizeen, and a stipulation to holding this dinner service was that they would be  in attendance.

Vost was an intelligent and wise old man. He looked as though he hadn't had fun in quite some time.

Meanwhile, Synthia was playful and fun-loving but serious when needed. They were not here to talk, but simply listen.

Tiggy sat down with Vontaine and Fritz next to him. He sat on the table opposite Kree and gently set down folders on the table. Malibu was sitting to the right of Kree, Merca was next to Vontaine, and the other political members were at the ends of the table.

"Well, everyone is here. So may we begin?" Tiggy asked respectfully.

"I'd like that. As far as I know, I'm wasting my time here, so some answers would be great," Kree replied sarcastically.

"Yes, of course. We've gathered here because we have some evidence of your boss that you may want to know," he said.

"Ok, sure, but I want my questions answered first... and food, I'm hungry," Kree muttered.

"Right, yes, right away," Tiggy said, pressing a button on the table. Seconds later, the servers brought a food trolley and placed an entree as well as a drink in front of everyone.

"Hey, this looks good!" Kree said before digging in. The entree was a plate of pork dumplings seasoned with chilli oil and garnished with sesame seeds.

In between bites, they began talking more in-depth.

"So Kree, you wanted answers. I've got them for you," Vontaine started.

"Ain't you a bodyguard or something?" Kree asked in confusion.

"Yeah, but just for tonight. I'm usually a captain," he answered.

"Ok... well, tell me what I want to know," he said, biting down on another dumpling.

"The reason your men are dead. Is because of me and my crew. We stuck into their camps two nights ago and killed them in their sleep," he said blankly.

Malibu gulped down his drink as sweat beaded his forehead. Kree swallowed the dumpling and looked up at Vontaine slowly, menacingly through his helmet.

"So, you're the reason Gladius is gonna kick my ass?" He growled.

"You killed our friends. You probably dont even remember but his name was Greylan and 16 other lives so shut up and listen" Vontaine snapped getting equally as threatening.

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