Chapter 32 - Throughout the year.

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During the first year, between Vontaine's negotiations with both sides of the war, and overseeing the building site, the crew had started many things to improve their strengths.

The first of this was getting to know Chester more. When he was only a child, he was made to start training with his hunter-class abilities. Instead of going to a normal school, he was taught by special operatives and instructors for fighting techniques, battle tactics, and honing his abilities.

He didn't have a childhood or a social life. For him, every day was a struggle to constantly improve and get better, faster, and stronger. Surprisingly, Chester specifically was a prodigy. Nailing every form of combat he had been taught way quicker than any other hunter previous.

This made him a true powerhouse with an arsenal of deadly weapons at his disposal, and also a unique number of different senses based on any collection of transformations he undertook.

Additionally, during the building process, Vontaine was made aware that Chester was quite like himself. He too had a knack for star ships and building things.

However, there was something Chester was horribly bad at. Aura.

Because his childhood was centered around getting stronger physically, he didn't have the time to focus on himself at all and build a sense of character, which impacted his ability to have a strong aura at this point.

Also, he was a teddy bear like Vontaine had suspected. On the outside he seemed gruff and menacing, but on the inside was a kind soul. Vontaine and Merca observed him playing a ballgame with Vika and the other kids, going easy on them and ensuring their safety.

While Chester did display his nice side, he did tell everyone what his job entailed as a hunter, so they knew what he had done for the Dreadanu. He also showed them what he was capable of.

The next issue of business was their training. Fritz, Merca and Vontaine had gotten very good at using training aura and were sparring with it every spare chance they got. So much so that Fritz achieved a remarkable new technique.

One day of sparing with Merca, Fritz had activated a partial transformation.

A partial transformation is a halfway form between his natural Rak'shasa form and his human form. So he had all four arms out that were covered with fur, his legs had changed to the back legs of a tiger, and his tail was out. As they were fighting with immence clashes of metal, something activated inside him.

As he rushed Merca for an attack, static electricity started to ark all over his fur before he completely vanished from in front of merca in a streak of electricity, reappearing behind her.

Fritz wanted to know more, so he asked Malela. She did the same thing with him that she had done with Merca. She activated her abilities and scanned his genetic makeup.

For lack of a better phrase, Rak'shasa are lightning tigers. They have electrical glands in their brains, arms hands, legs and feet. These glands are able to generate and store massive amounts of electricity, powered by the food that Rak'shasa eat.

With this new set of abilities to work with, Fritz was ecstatic about more abilities and enhanced power so he quickly got to work utilising it.

Vontaine's sparring went well also, he could now activate over half of the full Kylamain suit and was getting faster and stronger. He could also turn his hands and fingers into the various tools and utensils for engineering.

In the meantime, Merca had organised speed training. Lamonet had agreed to run with all of them to help them improve.

For the first weeks of this new training, it was hard for all of them to keep up. But eventually, everyone found techniques to keep up. Fritz used his electricity as a propulsion technique, Vontaine used his mechanical shoulder thrusters for propulsion and, Merca being as fast as she already was, unlocked an interesting technique.

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