Chapter 28 - catching up.

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After the interesting day they had yesterday, they started training with their auras. Now that they had felt it for the first time, using it more had gotten easier. Although it was hard to do anything with it.

So it was finally time to start training with it, in the hopes of unlocking this "training aura" they had been introduced to.

"Alright so. Now that you've got a feel for your aura, it's time to start using it!" Malibu said excitedly.

They went back to 26 as it was the perfect training area.

"You guys need to get your aura straight for two reasons. Number 1, you'll need to be a little stronger before venturing further into the universe. Number 2, It's good to start on aura as soon as possible because it takes ages to use in combat and way longer to master," he explained, limbering up again.

"Alright, how do we begin?" Vontaine asked, also stretching. He was still wearing his singlet but had changed out of his long tech-wear pants into some shorts.

Merca was also stretching. She was wearing a sports bra and long, puffy, breathable pants.

Fritz was wearing his usual pants with no top on and was jumping up and down over and over.

"Ok so I've said it before I don't know that much about aura and I'm gonna teach you all I can but my knowledge is limited," Malibu warned before beginning.

"No problem, tell us whatcha can," Fritz said.

"So then. As we've explained already, the aura is your soul's intention and what we're doing today is training it. Now, training aura had two parts. The first part we are going to do is get used to moving it around our bodies. The next part is attacking with it," Malibu grinned.

As he finished talking, red streaks of light shot through his arm and pooled down to his fingers.

"Hey Merca, you're colour is the same as Malibu's," Vontaine smiled after realising.

"What does that mean though?" Merca asked.

"No idea. I've heard that some races have specific colours and other races have different colours depending on the individual, but that's all I got," he said moving his aura to his other fist.

"That's kinda cool I guess," Fritz mentioned.

"Yeah, Alright. So try doing what I'm doing. Move your aura from one arm to the other, then to a leg to the other leg and back again. Once you're proficient with it, push it outside your body. It's tricky and it does take some serious discipline but you'll get it. Then after that, we can get into infusion," he grinned.

"Ok let's go!" Vontaine smirked, pooling glowing teal streaks of energy into his fists.

After a while, control over their aura was very good. Merca's was very fast which was no surprise, Fritz's was very controlled and precise and Vontaine's was very dense and powerful.

"Ok, that's good, time for the next step," Malibu started.

"I want you to infuse your aura with your intention. You'll know when it happens it's a good feeling. The intention I want you to focus on is, not hurting me, you got that?" He asked.

"It's a bit confusing but Alright," Vontaine said.

"Yeah. Just mantra bring no harm," he said.

They did, repeating it in their minds as they felt a click in their aura, the intention behind it changed. They had infused an intent to their auras, this was powerful and can be changed for all different kinds of things like bringing a devastating amount of harm to an enemy in one attack or even healing people.

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