"Lap dance" Tanner x M!Reader (5)

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-Y/n gives a lap dance to Tanner as a joke for his birthday, but it gives feelings to Tanner that he never knew he had.

(Inspired by Willys video "BigT turns 23")
(The tattoo above will make sense later!)


Today was Tanners 23rd birthday, and the group had hung out with some friends for the day. They had just gotten back before being stopped by Larry. They all were puzzled.

Larry knew about Y/n's past. They've been friends for years. He was the one who turned Larry bi. They have no feelings attached, he just helped him out.

"I have one more idea for a present for Tanner." He said. He looked over at Y/n,
"You should give him a lap dance. And not a joke one, a real one. Like the ones you used to do." He said. They all looked over at Y/n confused.

"No absolutely not. That past is behind me. Never again." He said crossing his arms.
"I'll pay you 20 buck." He looked over at Tanner. He shrugged,
"I'm down." He said. Y/n sighed. He grabbed a random fold out chair and placed it in the middle of the room and grabbed the remote. He put "She knows (Remix) by Ne-yo" up before looking back at the group.

"I can't give you a lap dance standing up dipshit." He said sternly. Tanners eyes went wide, and he hurried over and sat down.

"You sure you're ok with this?" Y/n asked, looking down at the male in the chair.
"Yeah no, it's cool." He said nodding.

Y/n sighed.
"Alright. I'm gonna give you one that I used to do a lot. If anything makes you uncomfortable, you tell me immediately and I'll stop ok?" He said putting a hand in Tanners shoulder. Tanner nodded. Y/n pressed play on the remote and tossed it away. Tanner would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was about to get a lap dance from his friend that used to give them.

He stood in front of Tanner. Letting the music play out. His hands went up the sides of his arms, to his shoulders, and slowly went down his chest to his thighs, and lastly ending at his knees, spreading them open slightly.

He looked up into Tanners eyes, smirking slightly. Tanner swallowed hard. Y/n slowly rose, dragging his hands back up and down his arms. He grabbed his hands, bringing them up, and under his shirt onto his abs. Y/n was a well built guy, and Tanner being straight, he thinks.. this action was enough to make his face pinkish. He drug Tanners hands back to a small part of his lower back.

He drug his hands back up ending on the back of his neck. Y/n slowly sat atop of Tanners lap. Tanner was surprised. He didn't know what to do.

Like Y/n was reading his mind he leaned in close to his ear and whispered,
"Relax T, I'm not gonna bite." He said seductively, his lips grazing his ear a little.

Y/n slowly started grinding onto the man below him. Not enough to make him hard, just enough so that he could feel it. Tanners breath hitched slightly at this action.

Y/n knew what to do with his hips, moving so gracefully back and forth on his lap. Tanners hands were still on Y/n lower back. Y/n leaned in once more,
"Slide your hands up my back slowly." He whispered. Tanner did what he was told, and slid his hands up Y/n back slowly.
"There you go. Good boy.." He whispered in his ear. Tanner really wasn't one for pet names, but the way Y/n said it.. it did something to him. His hands got to about under his arm pits before Y/n leaned back and took his shirt off.

Tanner was beyond flustered at this point. He studied his chest, seeing a tattoo over his heart. It was a rose. Being it was his favorite flower. He grabbed Tanners hands and put them real close to his ass. Tanners eyes widened. Y/n chuckled in response and slid his arms back around, one hand going to Tanners neck, squeezing softly. Tanner leaned his head back slightly, giving him a little more space, eyes closing. Y/n leaned in once again.

"You like that?" He asked. Tanner nodded in response. Feeling if he spoke, his voice would crack and he would let out a noise he didn't want his friends to hear. He heard whispers behind Y/n and tried to look, but Y/n turned his attention back to him.
"Don't pay attention to them. Act like it's just us in the room." He said, looking into his eyes. Tanners eyes sparkled in the dim light that the room was giving off. Y/n like this side of Tanner.

He stared deep into Tanners eyes, acting like he was going in for a kiss but denying and going to his neck instead. Not kissing his neck, but Tanner could feel his hot breath instead, and his lips brushing softly against the sensitive skin.

All this going on, Y/n hand on Tanners neck, squeezing every once in a while, his lips brushing his neck, and him still grinding on him, he was starting to feel feelings he never knew he had. He was starting to feel a tightening in his pants. A noise was scratching at his throat, begging to be let out. He couldn't take it anymore and let out a breath, with a small noise coming out after only him and Y/n could hear.

Y/n came up from his neck and stared into his eyes.
"You're liking this more that you thought you would huh?" He asked, biting his lip. Tanner nodded a little too quickly, his eyes half lidded, and his face all red, beads of sweat falling from his head.

Y/n smirked. His eyes glanced at his lips, back to his eyes. Tanner noticed and repeated the action. Y/n raised one eyebrow, asking if he could. Tanner nodded, and Y/n smirked once again.

Tanners eyes closed, letting Y/n lean in close to Tanners lips, but not kissing him yet. Tanner could feel his breath and Y/n's lips graze his. He tried moving forward, but Y/n's hand kept him in place. Y/n finally gave in, kissing Tanner.

Their lips connected. Y/n soft one's meeting Tanners slightly chapped ones. They moved in sync with each other. Y/n took Tanners bottom lip in between his teeth and pulled back slightly. A small noise came from Tanner. Y/n chuckled. Tanner groaned quietly and his hand squeezed Y/n's ass, earning a gasp from the man on his lap.

Tanner took the opportunity and stuck his tongue into T/n's mouth. They're tongues fighting for dominance, Tanner winning and him exploring every bit of Y/n's mouth. They both pulled away, gasping for air, a string of saliva still connecting them. Their foreheads pressed to each other's. The song ended, and Y/n pulled back to look at Tanner. His lips swollen and red. Y/n bit his lip slightly before hearing a cough behind him.

He and Tanner looked to see the rest of the group there, eyes wide and red. He looked back at Tanner.
"Oops?.." He said. Tanner chuckled and pulled him back in for a kiss. Y/n obliged. He pulled back and looked into Tanners eyes.
"So, what's this mean?" He asked teasingly.
"Well, looks like you've officially turned two people bi." He said smirking. That reminded him. He looked over at Larry. Larry then knew. He pulled out his wallet and pulled out a 20. Y/n went to get up, but Tanner kept him in place.

"Don't move." He said sternly. Y/n was confused at first, then he felt something underneath him. His eyes widened and he turned back to the group.

"Just drop it, and disperse!" He said, waving them off. They immediately got the point and groaned. They all left and Larry dropped the money.

Y/n turned back to Tanner with a smirk on his face. Tanner returned the smirk.

(1319 words.)

(I don't know what came over me, I just went autopilot while writing this. I heard this song and though "damn, this song makes a good lap dance song." And started writing. But hey, I think it's pretty good!)

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