Chapter 6

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Candice's voice immediately got stuck in her throat, her whole body tensing up. She didn't even dare to look up anymore. She knew perfectly well who that was. It was too late to run. He saw her, he saw them. The only choice left was to face him. But that was going to be incredibly hard considering she felt too anxious to even move a single muscle.

"Out of every other people in the world, you really chose this guy to be with?" the blonde man approached, his tone interrogative. "You're way better than this. Why the hell would you want him?" he continued, but the girl couldn't respond, her voice seeming to have disappeared completely. From the corner of her eye she could see Lucas examining her, as if he was giving her the time to speak if she wanted. After a few seconds of silence, it became very clear she wasn't going to, he tightened his hold around her upper body, pulling her into his chest almost protectively, shocking her even more.

"Ah so you know me. That's embarrassing, cause I've never even seen you before." Lucas looked up at the guy with a smug grin on his face.


"Don't bother. I don't care. Just get to the point." he interrupted, utter disrespect dripping from his voice.

"... It's not you that I want to talk to." he said between gritted teeth, unwilling to get into a major conflict so easily.

"Well that's too damn bad cause there's no one else willing to talk to you. I'm gonna have to suffice Babe." Lucas told him nonchalantly. "Say your piece or fuck off and leave us alone."

"Candice, you really traded me out for this piece of trash? C'mon now, I thought you knew your worth. You don't have to settle for someone like him." he attempted to speak to her again, but she still wasn't willing to look at him.

"Dude, you've been broken up for so long, and you still aren't over her? I'd say go and find some other chick to harass, but I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone." Lucas attempted to get his attention back, but he didn't waver. He knew that if he stopped to argue with the other man, he was going to lose. He needed to attack directly if he wanted to have an effect.

"I just wanted to talk to you Candice, since we were both too angry to sit down and talk like adults when we talked. I just wanted to settle things, but then you went and ran to him..." he trailed off, his hands clenching into fist. "I know I wasn't a great boyfriend to you, but surely I was better than this streetrat!"

"Better how? Better at gaslighting me?" she finally spoke, gathering enough courage to retaliate. He gasped, as if he didn't expect such an answer, and she could feel Lucas stir under her, his hand subtly reaching to squeeze her's encouragingly.

"... I never did it on purpose. I was looking out of your best interest." he countered with a horrible excuse, pissing Candice off royally.

"Oh really? My best interest was to have someone question all my choice? To never take my preferences into consideration, and to be disrespected all the time? Is that what was best for me Matt?" she asked sarcastically, and that retaliation proved to be enough to chip away at his confidence.

"Like I said, I was a bad boyfriend, but I've grown since then. I'm not like that anymore." he claimed.

"You told me to either marry you, or break up with you on the spot, and had the audacity to get mad when I chose the latter. Must suck when the little toy you thought you had completely under control doesn't bend to your every whim after all." she reminded him, to which he winced, somehow forgetting to calculate the possibility of this topic coming up. "There is no way you've got as much therapy as you needed in a year. A lifetime wouldn't be enough for you, you narcissistic fuck."

"And you're trying to tell me the guy who has everyone run through him is any better?" he asked, anger barely contained anymore.

"It's annoying that your own game came back to hit you isn't it? After all, you were the one who convinced me to make this university my first choice, since you wanted to attend it, and couldn't bare the thought that I might gain independence if you weren't there to break me down each and every time I started feeling better. It must really suck that you might have been able to manipulate me into continuing the relationship with you if Lucas didn't come into the picture." she told him with glee. She didn't really notice it at the time, but having taken that new interest in Lucas after the first night together made it a lot easier to block Matt for good. The raven haired man sparked something in her that she had never felt with him, and that made her want to explore it way more than to try and fix a horribly broken high school relationship.

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