Chapter 11

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"Sometimes you really make me wonder if you're genuinely insane." the girl noted as she watched Lucas fiddle around in his room, still in the process of getting ready.

"That's what makes me fun." he responded with a snarky grin, but she just rolled her eyes. It had barely been 2 days after his sickness-induced coma, yet he had already decided the best way to cure himself fully was to go out partying. Candice wasn't even sure why she was accompanying him. She thought she had sworn to never do it again after the last time nearly ended up with a pregnancy. But she couldn't let him go alone, especially not because she suspected this was just his way off shooing away the negatives thoughts he had been having lately. She needed to go to keep him safe. Or at least, that was she was telling herself.

"Where are we going exactly?" she inquired, having learned to ask these things ahead of time in case of an emergency.

"It's a nightclub called Crimson." he told her readily. "It's popular with the uni's students. Pretty mediocre if you ask me, but at least the booze is cheap."

"With a name that generic, I can't say I'm shocked." she observed.

"At least its easy to remember. Even when you're shitfaced drunk and in desperate need of a taxi." he said with a grin.

"Are we going with that?"

"Well I'm intending to get hammered, so driving is out of the options."

"As if intoxication bothered you last time."

"It wouldn't if I was going alone. But I promised you I'd be more careful with you around." he reminded her, which surprised her quite a bit. She didn't think much of that conversation, figuring he was just saying the things she wanted to hear. That was his usual method of persuading people into staying around him, and due to that, she had always felt words were nothing but empty decorations to him. Although, the more she got to know the true him, the more of her assumptions about him were turning out to be incorrect after all. Whether this discovery of hers was alarming, or exciting, she wasn't sure yet. But to her concern, it really felt like a dangerous mixture of both.

"I hope things will go a little more smoothly than the last time..." she sighed, anxiety beginning to get to her. Although she couldn't come up with anything worse than bumping into Matt, but the last thing she wanted was for the universe to turn around a prove to her that it can in fact be worse than that.

"C'mon now, have some sense of adventure." he urged her, but she just rolled her eyes.

"Your definition of that sounds potentially life ruining."

"That's what makes it fun."

With his phone being in vibrating mode, the incoming call had almost escaped Candice's attention. The low buzz was near audible with the sound of the tap that had been on as well. With Lucas still preoccupied in the bathroom, she figured it would be best to check the caller, just in case it was someone important. And as it seemed, it was. The name displayed wasn't familiar to her, not from his lips anyway, but Lucas having some yet to be revealed secrets didn't seem all that outlandish to her.

"An 'Emma' is calling you." she informed him, receiving a soft, yet frustrated sigh in response.

"Just leave it. I can't talk to her." he instructed, and she obliged. Still, her curiosity had been peaked.

"Is she someone important?" she asked, crossing her legs as she waited.

"Oh my, have I lived the day that the ever so prideful Candy is expressing jealousy towards other women I talk to?" he joked in an overdramatic tone of voice, finally waltzing out of the bathroom.

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