4 Pilot B*tch pt 2

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As Jeremy left, Ivy noticed that he had forgotten his lunch, so she quickly followed him out of the house, with Jenna in tow. "Hey Jeremy! You forgot your lunch. Have a good day, Tiger," Ivy called out, hugging him tightly. "I will, Mama. Also, Ma, stay safe," Jeremy replied before heading off. Ivy then began walking to school, but soon had the idea of teleporting there to save time. 

With a flick of her wrist, Ivy used her magic to teleport to school. As she arrived, her eyes scanned the crowd of students and landed on a new guy. He stood out from the rest with his leather jacket, tight black t-shirt, and jeans. A pair of sunglasses rested on his nose, making him seem mysterious and cool.

Ivy quickly realized that this was none other than Stefan Salvatore. But what she didn't expect was the intense connection she felt towards him - he was her Soul-Brother. Stefan also seemed to sense something in Ivy, turning his gaze towards her and locking eyes. He felt a surge of energy between them and couldn't help but feel a little bit overwhelmed.

After a brief moment of eye contact, Stefan and Ivy went their separate ways. Stefan headed to the school office while Ivy went to her locker. Ten minutes passed, and Jeremy finally arrived at school with a rose and a small container of ice cream for his boyfriend, Tyler Lockwood.

Ivy couldn't help but tease her son Jeremy as he blushed at her comment. But when he asked if Tyler would like the gifts, Ivy's expression softened, and she put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Yes, Tiger, he'll love them," she assured him. Jeremy smiled gratefully and made his way towards Tyler's locker, feeling more confident with Ivy's words of encouragement. As he approached, Tyler's face lit up with a grin, and Jeremy presented him with the rose and ice cream, feeling relieved and happy when Tyler hugged him in gratitude. Ivy watched from a distance, proud of her son's boldness and grateful for the love that surrounded her family.

Ivy eagerly made her way to her first class, which happened to be Advanced Cooking. As the bell rang, her teacher announced that they were going to be making free for all cookies, giving them the freedom to create whatever they desired. Ivy quickly got to work, carefully selecting her ingredients to create her white chocolate and mint cookies. She meticulously mixed the batter, added the white chocolate chips, and then folded in the refreshing mint chips. As she rolled the dough into perfect balls and arranged them on the cooking sheet, she couldn't help but feel proud of her creation. With a satisfied smile, she placed them in the oven and waited for the cookies to bake to perfection.

As soon as the cookies had cooled down, Ivy hurriedly placed them in a zip-lock bag and sanitized the counters, followed by washing her dishes. She made it to her next class, Yoga, in just three minutes. You might be wondering why she was taking such an unconventional class instead of something like math, but Ivy had already earned enough credits to graduate, and preferred to take classes that interested her. She set up her mat and began her warm-up stretches, waiting for the rest of her classmates to arrive. The room was peaceful, filled with the gentle sound of soft music and the sound of deep breathing. Ivy closed her eyes, focusing on her breath and the present moment.

Ivy found great solace in this particular yoga class, feeling a sense of calm wash over her as she began her stretches. As she continued, she challenged herself with more advanced yoga postures, feeling the satisfying stretch in her muscles. After some time, she paused to quench her thirst with a refreshing sip of water, before resuming her practice with renewed vigor. By the time the class was over she had done The Triangle Pose, The Half Pigeon pose, Cobra Pose, and some other easy ones.

It was time for Ivy's next class, which fortunately was a free period. With her practical mindset, she decided to make the most of the break and took a nap. She strolled over to the library and settled onto a cozy couch, allowing herself to drift off into a peaceful slumber. As she entered the realm of dreams, she found herself wandering through a magnificent forest. The air was filled with a delightful fragrance emanating from a variety of blooming flowers, including delicate lilies and vibrant roses. Amidst the beauty, Ivy's attention was drawn to a mysterious figure - a young man or boy with short hair, clad in snug-fitting trousers and a grey t-shirt. His eyes were a rich chocolate brown, and his lips were a soft pink hue resembling the bloom of a flower. Though Ivy couldn't help but notice that his chin had a rather unusual shape, resembling that of a buttock.

As Ivy gazed at the enigmatic boy, their eyes met and locked onto each other, causing his pupils to dilate in surprise. Just as he was about to say something, the bell rang, jolting Ivy out of her dream and back into reality. She quickly gathered her belongings and made a beeline for her next class - Art. The art teacher assigned them the task of sketching imaginary planets, giving Ivy a chance to showcase her creativity. Her first planet burst with hues of purple, blue, and pink, adorned with twinkling stars, which she christened "Brixton". Her second planet was a tranquil mix of pastel purple, green, and yellow, earning the moniker "Beau".

When Ivy presented her planet sketches, the art teacher's eyes lit up with admiration for her artistic abilities. Pleased with her work, Ivy settled into her seat and reached for a book that had caught her eye - "Immortal Love: A Reverse Harem Fantasy". The book revolved around the supernatural and followed the journey of a young witch named Ruby Bennett, who was thrust into a world of paranormal intrigue. Along the way, Ruby encountered six soulmates who captured her heart. As Ivy delved deeper into the story, she became engrossed in the mystical world of the book. However, as she reached the third chapter, the ringing of the bell signaled the end of the class.

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