7 Hoe I summon Thee?

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(skipping forward until it is like 5-7 ep. before Elena is kidnapped)

"Ivy was aware that soon she would need to revive Henrik and get kidnapped alongside Elena so that she could meet Elijah Mikaelson" means that Ivy has a plan to revive Henrik, who is presumably dead, and to orchestrate her own and Elena's kidnapping. The purpose of this plan is to meet Elijah Mikaelson, a character from the TV series "The Originals," who is a powerful and ancient vampire.

Before we delve further into Ivy's plan, it is important to understand the background of the situation. Elena, one of the characters in the story, had become suspicious of Stefan, another character, and began questioning him. Stefan, feeling annoyed by Elena's constant pestering, accidentally revealed to her that he was a vampire. This revelation led Elena to discover the existence of Ivy and two others, who she presumed were also supernatural and have some sort of connection to Stefan.

 that she could tell him the truth his siblings aren't in the ocean write and describe thisIvy had been planning for some time to revive her soulmate Henrik, who had apparently died. Her love for him was so strong that she was willing to risk everything to bring him back, even if it meant going against the laws of nature.

In addition to reviving Henrik, Ivy also had a plan to get kidnapped along with Elena so that she could meet Elijah Mikaelson, a powerful vampire with whom she had no complicated history. Ivy knew that Elijah's siblings were believed to be in the ocean, but she had discovered the truth and was determined to tell Elijah what really happened to them.

Ivy believed that Elijah needed to know the truth about his siblings, even if it meant putting herself in danger. She knew that Elijah was a powerful and respected figure in the vampire world, and she hoped that by telling him the truth, she could help bring about a change in the way vampires operated.

The details of what had happened to Elijah's siblings were still unclear, but Ivy had done extensive research and had pieced together a complicated story involving betrayal, sacrifice, and dark magic. She knew that revealing the truth would not be easy, but she was willing to risk everything to do it.

As Ivy put her plan into motion, she knew that she was walking a dangerous path. The world of vampires was full of intrigue and danger, and her actions could have consequences that she could not even imagine. But she was determined to see her plan through, no matter what the cost.

When Ivy reached out to her mother for guidance on how to revive Henrik, a supernatural being,  with the power to bring back the dead from the other side. However, this was a dangerous process that could only be done five times.

To perform the revival, Ivy would have to concentrate intensely on Henrik, calling out to him by saying "I summon thee" while thinking about him with all her heart and mind. Her mother made it sound like a simple process that could be performed easily, but the fact that it could only be done five times made it clear that this was only easy for Fae.

Overall, the idea of reviving someone from the other side using a simple incantation and intense concentration is a fascinating concept that adds an air of mystery and mysticism to the story. The fact that there are limits to this power only makes it more intriguing, and raises questions about the nature of the Fae and their relationship to the world of the living.

After speaking with her mother and learning the steps to revive Henrik, Ivy wasted no time in attempting the dangerous feat. She took the time to meditate, clearing her mind of any distractions and focusing all of her thoughts on Henrik Mikaelson.

As she spoke the incantation "Hoe I summon thee", a bright light filled the room. The air crackled with energy as the light grew stronger, making Ivy momentarily wonder if she had made a mistake. But as quickly as it had appeared, the light dissipated, leaving behind the figure of Henrik standing in the middle of the room.

Ivy was filled with a mixture of relief and joy as she rushed towards Henrik, embracing him tightly. She couldn't believe that he was actually there, standing before her, alive once again. It was a powerful moment that underscored the strength of Ivy's love and determination, and hinted at the deeper supernatural forces that were at work in the world of the story.

After a nap~ (with no kol)

Henrik gently shook Ivy awake, using a soft and reassuring tone as he spoke to her. "My dearest, wake up," he said, leaning over her and brushing a strand of hair from her face. Ivy stirred, her eyes slowly opening as she struggled to wake up fully. "Remember Dear you need to introduce me to our son" Henrik said gently kissing her cheek. With that she was up as she held his wrist she dragged him downstairs him chuckling the whole way.

When they made it to the bottom of the stairs Ivy introduced Henrik to Jenna and Jeremy.

"Guys, I want you to meet someone very special to me," she said, as she stopped in front of Henrik. "This is Henrik Mikaelson, one of my soulmates. Henrik, Love, this is our son Jeremy and your Aunt-in-law.(Maybe not a Aunt though)"

Jenna and Jeremy's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the mention of the word 'soulmate.' Henrik, however, seemed unfazed and smiled warmly at the two of them. "It's a pleasure to meet you both, and if you are okay with it Jeremy I would love to call you son" he said, extending his hand.

Jenna shook his hand first and then Jeremy, who was still a bit shy "I would love to be your son Faðir". Ivy continued to beam with happiness, looking at Henrik and Jeremy with pure affection. "He's one of many who have been making my life so much better these days," she said, squeezing his hand.

Henrik chuckled and put his arm around Ivy's waist. "I'm just grateful to have her in my life," he said, looking at her with a loving gaze. "She's made my life so much richer."

Jenna and Jeremy could see the connection between the two of them, and they were happy for Ivy. It was clear that Henrik was someone special in her life, and they were glad to see her so happy.

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