6 End of Pilot

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As Jeremy and Ivy made their way home, they were completely unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching them from a distance. Stefan Salvatore had been observing them from behind a nearby tree, curious about the bond that seemed to exist between the two. He knew that he had to stay on track with his mission, but his curiosity got the best of him.

Henrik, on the other hand, had been watching Ivy with a sense of deep, romantic love. He had been watching her for weeks, unable to shake the feeling that he had while watching her. He watched her now with a sense of awe and admiration, feeling his heart swell with love.

As Jeremy and Ivy finally arrived home, Stefan slipped away quietly, not wanting to draw attention to himself. Henrik, however, remained hidden in the shadows, watching as Jeremy and Ivy went inside. He felt a sense of longing as he watched them, wishing that he could be with Ivy and experience the kind of love and companionship that they had.

As the night wore on, Henrik remained hidden in the shadows, watching as Ivy and Jeremy went about their evening routine. He felt a sense of contentment knowing that she was safe and protected, but also a deep sense of sadness that he couldn't be with her.

Eventually, he knew that he had to leave, but he promised himself that he would always watch over her and keep her safe. He slipped away quietly, disappearing into the darkness, but leaving behind a feeling of love and protection that would stay with Ivy for a long time to come.

As Jeremy and Ivy walked into the house, they were greeted by Jenna's cheerful grin. She was already making plans for the evening, suggesting that they go out and buy some candy before building a blanket fort and settling in to watch movies, including the Twilight series. Both Jeremy and Ivy were thrilled by the idea and eagerly agreed.

Just as they were about to head out, Elena came storming in, her voice dripping with faux innocence. She demanded to know where they were going, clearly suspicious of their plans. Jenna, unfazed, simply asked if Elena wanted anything from the store.

Elena's eyes narrowed as she considered the offer, but ultimately she shook her head and turned to leave. "Fine, but don't expect me to sit through that terrible movie," she muttered under her breath as she made her way out the door.

Jenna and the others exchanged a knowing glance, all too aware of Elena's disdain for anything remotely romantic or sentimental. But they didn't let it dampen their spirits. They headed out to the store, eager to stock up on candy and snacks before settling in for a cozy evening of movies and laughter. 

At the store~

Ivy, Jenna, and Jeremy walked through the brightly lit aisles of the store, their eyes scanning the shelves for their favorite treats. Ivy's eyes lingered on the colorful packages of Starbursts, and she quickly snatched a few packs to add to her basket. She then moved on to the candy aisle, where she picked up a bag of white chocolate and caramel candies. Her sweet tooth satisfied, she headed over to the chips section, where she grabbed a bag of her favorite brand.

Jenna, on the other hand, made a beeline for the chocolate aisle. Her eyes lit up as she spotted a display of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and she eagerly grabbed a few packs to add to her own basket. She then moved on to the candy aisle, where she picked up a bag of sour gummy worms, knowing they were one of Ivy's favorites.

Jeremy, meanwhile, headed straight for the bags of M&Ms. He scanned the various flavors, finally settling on the classic milk chocolate variety. He then picked up a few bags of potato chips, knowing they were a crowd favorite.

As they made their way to the checkout, their baskets overflowing with snacks and candy, they couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the evening ahead. They were ready to indulge in their favorite treats and lose themselves in the world of movies and cozy blankets.

The trio made their way to the cashier to pay for their purchases and then quickly headed back to Jenna's house. As they settled in to build their blanket fort, Ivy couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and happiness wash over her.

With the fort built and snacks at the ready, they settled in to watch the first movie. Ivy savored the taste of her starburst, enjoying the burst of fruity flavor in her mouth. Jenna happily munched on her Reese's, while Jeremy snacked on his M&M's.

As the movie progressed, Ivy found herself getting lost in the story, forgetting about the stresses of the day and the supernatural world she lived in. For a few hours, everything was just as it should be: she was surrounded by her closest friends, with nothing to worry about except enjoying the moment.

And as the credits rolled on the final movie of the night, Ivy couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the people in her life. Despite the chaos and danger that seemed to follow them at every turn, they had each other, and that was enough to make it all worthwhile.

Elena stormed into the living room clearly upset suddenly waking everyone up. "You guys I called you at least five times! Vicki was attacked by an animal!!". "Why are you upset?" Ivy's tone was calm, but Elena was already on edge. "Why am I upset?!" Elena exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration. "Because Vicki is hurt and no one seems to care!"

Jeremy tried to intervene. "Elena, of course we care. But we were just trying to have a fun night in. We can't drop everything every time something happens."

"Well, excuse me for caring about my friend's safety!" Elena shot back, her eyes flashing with anger.

Jenna tried to diffuse the tension. "Elena, maybe you could tell us what happened and we can figure out how to help Vicki?"

But Elena wasn't having it. "No, forget it. You guys clearly don't care about anyone but yourselves. I'll deal with this on my own." With that, she stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Ivy couldn't help but feel annoyed by Elena's outburst. They were just trying to have a fun night in, and now it had been ruined by Elena's drama. She turned to Jeremy and Jenna, who both looked equally exasperated.

"Can you believe her?" Jenna muttered under her breath.

Ivy shook her head. "I know. She's always making everything about herself."

Jeremy sighed. "I just wish she could see that we do care, but we can't drop everything every time something happens."

The three of them sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. They all knew Elena's tendency to overreact and make things more dramatic than they needed to be. But they also knew that they couldn't just ignore their friend in need. Eventually, they agreed to go check on Vicki and see if there was anything they could do to help.

Reborn to Love: A Polyamorous Soulmates JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now