2 Through out the years

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(this is what Death would look like in a human form)

At the age of two Ivy's mother had died from a stroke but up until that moment she loved Ivy to the moon and back. Of course with Ivy being a Medium she could still see her mom but had to act like she couldn't when around other people. After half a year in the orphanage she was adopted by the newly wed Gilberts. Grayson and Miranda Gilbert for the first year they were amazing loved and cared for Ivy but then John Gilbert and Isobel Flemming left Elena Gilbert with them and they soon forgot about her.

A year after Elena had been in their care they stopped paying attention to Ivy. The small red head known as Ivy sat in her room ranting to her birth mom "like I know I'm adopted but damn" she murmured to her mom. "Mom I need to tell you something" Ivy aid suddenly changing her tone "Yes my little firecracker?" the women known as Keira Riley aka her mom said. "Well I don't know how to say this but... I uhm" Ivy stumbled over her words. "I was reborn and this is my second life" she muttered but her mom caught it. Though all of it sounded a lot like baby babbling her mom understood her.

The second year of Elena Gilberts arrival, Ivy really wanted Jeremy to be here soon so she could have a little buddy. Elena had everyones attention when she was around and Ivy was almost always left in the dust. Ivy had been getting tired of reading picture books but she just had to deal with it.

The third year, Ivy was now four and a half years old and Elena was four. Little Jeremy was born sooner then in the show but Ivy was still happy. Ivy's happiness came from the mother bond she had with Jeremy but soon she became angry with her adoptive parents. They were starting to neglect Jeremy at a young age feeling "reassured" with an older child to watch him.

The fourth year, Ivy was now five and a half and she takes care off Jeremy her one year old soul-son. This of course pissed off her mother who was on the other side, Keira would rant about how Ivy is physically five and how Ivy was now starting kindergarten she couldn't watch Jeremy, Though she was happy to have a grand-baby she was still royally pissed. 

The fifth year, Ivy was now six and a half and Jeremy was two. Jeremy had said his first word and it was oddly enough "Fwuck" which he had learned from Ivy but their parents played it off as Graysons doing. Ivy was labeled to smart for first grade so she was going to be skipping a grade but Grayson and Miranda denied. After they denied the school just gave her harder work so she could still learn

The sixth year, Ivy was now seven and a half and Jeremy was three. Jeremy started calling Ivy 'Mama' so Keira taught Ivy a spell that made it so that it sounded like he was calling her big sis and Miranda Ma. Elena and Ivy were now in second grade of course Ivy would've been father ahead if it weren't for her "parents". 

The seventh year, Elena and Ivy both skipped a grade and now were in fourth grade and were learning harder things. Jeremy was now four and Ivy was so proud of her little boy. Ivy finally met her soul-sister Caroline, instantly they bonded but she was soon taken away by Elena. Though Ivy felt sad she knew in the future she would get Caroline back.

The eighth year, Ivy was now nine and a half and Jeremy was five. Tyler was Ivy's closest friend and she was his shelter from his dad. Unknown to Tyler, Jeremy had a small crush on him. Jeremy had brought it up once at the dinner table and was immediately shot down, the only thing that kept Elena from tattling was Ivy literally threatening her. 

The ninth year, now ten Ivy secretly started working in sixth grade work. Jeremy was in first grade and he loved it though it was a little easy for him. Tyler anger issues had grown but Ivy taught him some techniques for them. Ivy had practiced more with her Fae powers and she started seeing the brunette boy.

The boy had long, curly hair which he kept tied back in a ponytail. His hair cascaded down to his upper back in gentle waves, and his locks seemed to have a life of their own as they bounced and jostled with each of his movements. His skin had a slight tan, giving him a healthy glow, and his blue eyes sparkled with life and curiosity. Overall, he had a charming and endearing appearance, with his distinct features accentuating his youthful exuberance.

When Ivy was was fourteen she had began talking to the boy and she had yet to learn the name of. Then when she was fifteen she had told Jeremy about what she was and what their bond was. She soon after learned that she could turn him into a supernatural creature and she then told him that. When he was thirteen he decided with her help what he was going to be, he was to be a fox-shifter.

A fox shifter would have certain physical characteristics similar to that of a fox, such as a lean body, a pointed muzzle, and triangular ears that are usually held upright. They may have fur in different shades of orange or brown, and their eyes may be a bright amber color. They may also have a long, bushy tail that they can use to communicate emotions.

In human form, a fox shifter may have some fox-like features, such as sharper facial features, a slightly pointed nose, and more pronounced canines. They may also have a certain gracefulness to their movements, and a mischievous or cunning look in their eyes. When they shift into their fox form, they would take on the full appearance of a fox, with the ability to move quickly and silently through their surroundings.

Soon after deciding they changed him and then followed by that was their 'parents' death. Elena made everything so overdramatic, she had claimed that Jeremy was doing drugs. Soon after Jenna moved in the mother-son duo told her about supernatural and she decided to become a supernatural being herself. 

Jenna decided to become a Rabbit-shifter. A Bunny shifter is a supernatural creature that can transform into a rabbit at will. When in human form, they often have soft features and a gentle demeanor. They may have long ears that stick out slightly or a fluffy tail. Their eyes can be a range of colors, often bright and lively. Bunny shifters are known for their agility and speed, both in rabbit and human form. They may have a strong connection to nature and enjoy spending time outdoors. In terms of behavior, Bunny shifters are often friendly, kind-hearted, and nurturing.

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