5 Pilot B*tch pt 3

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Ivy's stomach grumbled as the lunch bell rang, signaling the much-awaited break. She stood up from her seat, feeling excited to eat the delicious lunch she had packed that morning. She hurriedly made her way to Jeremy's location, her friend whom she enjoyed spending her lunch break with.

As Ivy reached Jeremy, she could feel the excitement bubbling inside her. She sat down next to him, letting out a small giggle as she pulled out her lunchbox from her backpack. She placed it down on the grass and opened it with a smile.

First, Ivy took out her half-drunk water bottle and placed it on the napkin. She then took out her sandwich, which looked delicious with its layers of cheese, lettuce, and tomato. Ivy neatly placed it next to her water bottle, making sure not to smush it in the process. She then reached into her lunchbox and took out a chocolate bar, which she placed on the napkin as well.

Looking at her food, Ivy felt a sense of satisfaction. Everything was in order, and she was ready to eat. She looked over at Jeremy, who was smiling at her happily, knowing that Ivy had a particular process when it came to her lunch. Ivy returned the smile before picking up her sandwich and taking a bite, savoring the flavors of the different ingredients.

"Hi, Jeremy," Ivy said gently with a mouthful of sandwich, making Jeremy chuckle at her. Ivy couldn't help but giggle as well, happy to have a son who understood her quirks. She continued eating her lunch, feeling content and grateful for this moment with her son.

As soon as she finished her food she started chattering about how her day had been so far, from the nap to the book, while Jeremy ate his meal happily. Soon after the bell rang which caused her to get up happily. Her next class was a literature this was her second time in the class the first day they find a table that is empty and set up a laptop, a drink, and music. With in the first day you should create a character's basics, looks, favorite things, and dislikes.

Ivy quickly finished her lunch, feeling energized and ready to tackle the rest of the day. She turned to Jeremy, who was still eating his sandwich, and began chattering excitedly about her day so far. She told him about her nap, the book she was reading, and the funny thing her cat did that morning. Jeremy listened attentively, nodding and smiling in all the right places.

As soon as the lunch bell rang, Ivy jumped up from her spot on the grass, her excitement for the next class palpable. Literature was one of her favorite subjects, and she couldn't wait to get started. This was her second time taking the class, but it still felt like a new adventure. She grabbed her backpack and lunchbox, giving Jeremy a quick wave goodbye before making her way to the classroom.

As Ivy entered the room, she scanned the tables for an empty one. Spotting a free table by the window, she made her way over and set down her things. She pulled out her laptop and turned it on, making sure to connect to the classroom's wifi. She then took out her drink, which she had refilled during lunch, and placed it on the table next to her laptop.

Before the class began, the teacher had instructed them to create a character and write down their basic details, such as their appearance, favorite things, and dislikes. Ivy opened a new document on her laptop and began brainstorming. She decided to create a character named Lily, a young girl who loved to read and spend time outdoors. Ivy wrote down Lily's physical description, her likes and dislikes, and her hobbies.

As the class began, Ivy felt excited to start writing about Lily's adventures. She listened intently to the teacher's instructions, jotting down notes on her laptop as she went. Ivy knew that this class was going to be a fun and creative journey, and she couldn't wait to see where it would take her.

This happened until the end of the period. Ivy's last period of the day was a free period so she left to Jeremy's car and just teleported into it and waited for him. By the time he was out she was napping. She had found the guy from her dream again. She had learned he had a nice accent and liked calling people Darling, she had a hunch it was Kol Mikaelson.

As Ivy's literature class came to an end, she quickly saved her character profile on her laptop and packed up her things. She had a free period for her last class of the day, so she decided to meet up with Jeremy and hang out for a bit before heading home. She left the classroom and made her way outside to the school parking lot.

As she approached Jeremy's car, she paused for a moment before teleporting inside. She smiled to herself, enjoying the feeling of using her abilities. Once inside the car, Ivy closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat, feeling exhausted from the day. She drifted off into a light nap, her mind wandering to the dream she had the night before.

In the dream, Ivy had met a charming and mysterious man who had introduced himself as Kol Mikaelson. They had talked for a while, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Ivy had been captivated by his accent, which was charming and slightly exotic. He had a habit of calling people "darling," which Ivy found endearing.

As she napped in the car, Ivy's dream continued. She found herself back in the same setting as before, standing face to face with Kol Mikaelson. She smiled as he gave her with a warm hug, feeling the same sense of comfort and familiarity as before.

They began to chat again, Kol regaling Ivy with stories from his travels and adventures. Ivy was fascinated by his wit and intelligence, feeling drawn to him in a way she couldn't explain. As they talked, Ivy couldn't help but wonder if Kol Mikaelson was a real person, or just a figment of her imagination.

Before she could ponder further, Jeremy's voice broke through her dream, and she slowly opened her eyes to find him looking at her with a smile. "Hey, sleeping beauty," he teased. Ivy grinned, feeling a sense of contentment from her dream. She knew that even if Kol Mikaelson was real, he had brought her a sense of happiness and adventure that she would always cherish.

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