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- I was never enough. I know that now.
- I hope things go better without me there to be a burden.
- Why must I die so terribly silent? Well I wanted no one to know if my death. For I was wanting peace and quiet.
- Why did you do this? Because this is what I wanted.
- We could've helped! And you did. By not knowing, it's for the best that you never knew. I didn't want to be that girl.
- If you could come back to us. I would but it's so quiet and empty.
- This feeling of nothing but struggling, the feeling of reaching out to nothing and grabbing onto something, to only fall deeper and deeper into the pits of black.
- Only one person could've saved her. It was herself. She could've changed her ways and helped herself.
- Maybe if she was more physical,more energetic, more happy, more HER.

She couldn't be herself. Not for a second of life. She always held deaths hand. Always reaching out, reaching for something that seemed close but in reality was farther than what you could imagine.

She wanted freedom, She had it. She wanted money, she had it. She wanted things money or freedom couldn't buy, she got it.

How? In what way could you really grab something or someone with money and no money?

Well it's simple.

You close your eyes and breath deeply. Breath in and out slowly, in through your nose and out through your mouth. You'll feel a sort of calm or maybe not. But you breathed in the air around you. The air that surrounds each and every one of you.

The air that connects us all.

She wanted to be connected with the world. She wanted to feel the air around her. She wanted to be free.

Free with no strings attached. Free like slipping away.

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