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YES this is not fine.. Why I think everything bad happens only happens with me.. welcome to my world.. It sucks like hell and even you are going to hate it.

Life is full of pains and sorrow and if you are a class 12th student.. it makes it worst. Hi.. I am Lavanya Gupta and this is my story. I would define myself as a normal figure average height wheatish color girl.

As mentioned above I am a 12th standard student. Wanna give me some sympathy.. please go ahead , I want it and I deserve it. If you are a below average student you and I share a same story.

We dream of good marks, our parents are proud and happy, our relatives and their kids hates us, friends acting to be excited but jealousy kills them, Ur crush notices you and think ohh smart girl may be I should go and talk to her. Everything is BRIGHT AND SHINEY. But alas.. we only have one thing ..dream...  and it never comes true, especially for losers like me. 

I go to Sophia School, Jaipur. Ya all girls school.. I was okay with this school when I was young but now.. its really boring. When I see girls talk to boys like a friend, their flirting, holding hands and sharing ice creams. Why cant this be me... Why all my friends has to be girls and what is this strict NO BOYS POLICY at home. I hate it. This happens when you are okayish in studies and in looks. 

SO marks, the day I enter in class 8th, I became a poor marks girl from a high performer student. I remember crying like hell when my final exam results were out.. 65%... Shit ..hurts like hell..

Then come class 9th , 10th and 11th .. I am not even telling you my horrible embarrassing marks. But nothing change. My 12th result is out and I got 74%. HELL....

I am a commerce student and yet this is horrible. My mom got very angry.. U study day and night then what do u do..u stupid girl. U do to coaching and everything.. 

yes, this is a little drama in my life that is going to take a drastic face in future.

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