Silver : 2

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Silver Singhania

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Silver Singhania

Silver's POV


"Dinner roll?" I asked swaying my feet sitting on monkey bars.

Dhruv shook his head from down frowning.

"Cinnamon roll?'

He shook his head vehemently now.

I laughed, "but you are sweet and fluffy" I moved my arm above my head. I tilted my head up, and squinted my eyes at the sky white fluffy clouds made me grin widely.

I love watching clouds they are just like cotton candy, giant white cotton candy I bet they taste sweet if I could have a bite of them.

"Silver you will fall" Dhruv warned me he tried to get on the bars but due to his weight, the rod shook. He stepped down blowing off his chubby cheeks, upset at being not able to reach me

"That's it! you are a chubby roll!" I told triumphantly finally finding a perfect nickname for him

"I am not a chubby roll!"

"You are a chubby roll"

"I am not!"

"You are my chubby roll" I announced stubbornly.

"Fine, I am your chubby roll" he huffed then smiled when I giggled at his sulking expression.


"What's the deal with this new boy? Is he gay?" Naira asked entering the washroom. I was fixing my lipstick.

New boy this new boy that... Dhruv had turned out to be a hot topic for the school. Last week, Dhruv Kashap aka my childhood best friend who once was a big chubby boy changed into the hot popular boy every girl dreams to have. Right, one of the transformations  you see in tik tok. Exactly that, more vividly.

But what was shocking for me wasn't his transformation but his blatant dislike towards me, dislike would be a small word remembering how he threatened me to stay away from him he will destroy me and my bow. I adjusted the silver bow on my ponytail looking in the mirror.

Stupid boy, don't even remember he gifted me that on my seventh birthday.

My chubby boy hates me now.

That's a bit depressing, I was hoping we could have tea and let bygones be bygones

I clasped the red lipstick put it back in my purse and sauntered out with my two gals behind.

Mean girl mode on.

"Do we have any class with him?" I asked Sneha who walked to my right.

"We don't" Sneha lamented checking the timetable

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