Silver :18

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"This will suit your skin better Ma'am" I said showing the SPF 50 sunscreen of some local product.

"Will it be just like yours? "Asked the girl of my age.

"Absolutely" I smiled politely,

The hell it will be.

My job was basically to fool customers into buying the products that just came out; a mediocre brand. I could do worse like waiting tables or apologizing to Disha.

I gagged

Anything is better than that.

So far, everything was going fine. There was quite a crowd in just three days in the mall.

I got my salary raised too!

What can I do...Wherever I go crowd follows me nothing new.

Just for the month had to go with it till my punishment is over. This time I would make sure to get my money out in cash. So I will have savings in my hand.

"I want lipstick of the shade you are putting," said a woman.

"Me?" That's Chanel dear

"Or I could show this exclusive one, only three are available" I whispered like a secret, turning around to get it from the downwards shelf of the glass rack. I picked a cherry-pink one from the stock.

Like full stock

"Have a look isn't it a unique shade?"

The woman analysed it frowning.

Smiling I opened the seal, "Ma'am trust me you have a natural beauty and a little touch-up will make you look splendid you don't even need makeup"

The woman applied the lipstick satisfied with the compliment.

I stifled an eye roll.

"Come on Serra let's see what's this crowd about?"

"I don't like the crowd you want to buy makeup you get it I will wait for you in the food court"

"No no, don't run away Serra, get something before we meet Dhruv "

That name got my attention, I stepped out of the crowd letting the other staff do the selling.

Two girls looked somewhere my age. One wore a short green middie with black boots she had a rabbit ears hairband with rhinestones. I liked her attire.

She was no doubt pretty and had a mischievous smile on her lips while her friend looked very basic in a black outfit. She had big spectacles and a high pony. But there was sharpness and sense of awareness in her big eyes that smart people have, they landed on me noticing them. She raised her brow her other friend pulled her towards my stall.

"Excuse me, hello? Can anyone hear me? Oh it's so crowded I can even do a contemporary dance and no one will give a damn" said the second girl.

Both of them approached me.

"Hey, how can I help you? This is pearl brand it's newly launched we have everything according to the affordable range and quality" I repeated like a robot.

"I like your lipstick! It's Chanel I have a similar shade" said the second girl pointing at me.

I forced a laugh," what do you want?"

My eyes glanced at the spectacles one.

She studied me intriguingly at my I'd badge while her friend was looking through the products, "Silver, nice name" she said then smiled warmly. Correction she was not plain Jane ..she had this smile that made her stood out

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