Silver : 15

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"To the office right now " The librarian ordered pointing her finger at both of us.

Dhruv helped me off the table holding my hand like a gentleman even adjusted my skirt, I glared at him swatting him away.

"After you," he said cocking his head at the doorway hands in his jeans pocket like we were going to have a walk in the garden.

I felt my heart thumping ominously, he tugged my ponytail to annoy me or distract me. I walked out flicking it back in his face

I think I was in trouble, I glanced back at him, he had his eyes already on me he raised his brow unconcerned all bad boy messed up hair, disordered tshirt, reading every expression crossing over my face I turned it away smiling, but I think I liked getting in trouble with him.

Dhruv's older brother and my father were called in the office. My father couldn't make it so Disha came, she entered the office briskly looking around the room appeared like she had run all the way from home, I got up from the chair making a face on seeing her,

"Why are you here?-

She slapped me right across my left cheek.

My face flung sideways, covering the shocked expression forming there.

The slap sound reverberated rendering the office in the pin drop silence.

"You don't care at all about your father's reputation! You mindless girl why are you bent on spoiling your family's name....." Disha went on to rebut me like she was my mother, I don't how it was like to have a mother but she would never humiliate me this way.

My gaze blurred fixed on Dhruv's black boots, that arsehole got a front seat to this embarrassing show.

He must be feeling smug enjoying it all. I lifted my face ignoring everyone, don't want to give him or anyone the pleasure of me in this state

"Ma'am calm down we can talk this out properly please have a seat" the Vice principal indulged. 

I gathered myself and chin up flicking my hair back with a cold smile.

"Sorry ... but" I got near to her, making a shameful face like I was apologizing, I whispered the last part, " I don't give a give flying fuck about it and don't you ever slap me again I won't think twice before calling a police on you for child abuse "

I walked out of the office with my head high while I felt crumbled and hollowed from inside.

I almost bumped into a tall man in a suit coming from the opposite direction. We had for a second eye contact sharp dark eyes assessed me like that of Dhruv's, yep his older brother.


"I thought you would run off somewhere to cry in a corner" Dhruv said when he spotted me near his bike applying concealer on the redness of my cheek.

"Totally not my style," I said shutting the compact and putting it back in my purse.

He stood in front of me in all his glory studying me intently.

It was kinda getting uncomfortable like he was seeing right through me.

So I deflected, "What about your older brother? he gonna whop your ass at home?"

He scoffed, "Couldn't give a damn about it"

"Aren't we made for each other?'' I mocked beaming at him.

He rolled his eyes, "you are really a pitiful sight"

I dropped all my acts

My hands curled into fists, "I told you before I will tell you again don't call me that. I have a limit, Dhruv, I won't take your trash-talking always"

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