Silver: 14

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"What part of staying away from him did you not get?"
Tashfee scolded me.

I squatted near the cat cage, Rush was playing with Elsa, I poked my finger at it absentmindedly.

"Stop poking her, Di she's already hurt," Rush said.

"I know right" I gave him a sad smile pulling back, I kissed his cheek he grinned back, "Elsa forgive you"

"So easily, isn't Elsa stupid?" Tashfee said side-eyeing me purposely while cleaning the shelter.

I forgave Dhruv too easily, I just couldn't stop myself when he came with the diary he was sorry but he didn't admit it...

typical him

But, kill me if I was wrong he was starting to have a little place for me in his heart?

And then he goes wrecking all my hopes

He pities me!

I am going crazy for him when he only frowns and glares and pities me!

He can go walking on all my dignity, all my image but I will never let him walk over my willpower. I was no one to be pitied

"Tashfee, please you don't understand" I sighed

"Come on Silver you are not smart we both know but are you also blind? Can't you see he has not apologized to you not a word of regret from his arrogant mouth! he just threw the diary and you jump on him like a dog at a bone.... with no self-respect not to forget he was the one who destroyed it in the first place"

"How do you know?" I asked, surprised.

"How do I know? It disappeared suddenly after Dhruv came into your life "she spoke facts.

"Wow you are a genius," I said, impressed

"Girl, look at me I am so done scolding both of you-

"Both of you?"

She avoided my gaze which was normal but she paused for a suspicious moment, "I mean Armaan also"

"What about Armaan? What happened to him now?"

"He is dating someone "

I laughed"really?"

Armaan moving on, was nice but it hurt my ego I don't know why but I wanted him to still be hung up on me. "Am I really that easily forgotten?" I asked the question aloud

"Silver Bells, you both are not meant to be... he cares not a thing about you, you are just a bother to him, an unwanted attention even if he is a jerk... I get it I won't like them too if someone constantly bugs me."

"Armaan says that?"

"Not Armaan it's Dhruv we are talking about him, focus! "

"Oh okay ..but There you are wrong he likes me! he won't admit it.... just need to find a way to make him do that " I said wracking my head for a plan

She gave out a resigned sign
" Alright, whatever you say but can you be a little careful with your asshole roll? looks like you will end up getting hurt badly the way things are heading or pregnant"

She eyed my neck suspiciously, I had a scarf around it.

Damn it I can't hide anything from her!

"Shut it you don't know anything," I shushed her, honestly I knew it already but I just can't help myself around him. I am failing to put distance between us. I acted desperate I acted clingy I was aware but it was only that way he looked at me.

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