Dhruv: 13

51 7 2


"I don't want to hide I want to play with you if not I am going home"

She stopped me, "No don't go please.. I promise when they leave we will play all day .. you are my secret best friend chubby roll," she said squeezing my cheeks and trying to make me smile I swatted her hands away sulking going to the tree to hide.

" Don't be like that" she tailed behind me, "I will get you the milky bar like the biggest one"

"Biggest one?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"But no comparison with you" she grinned.

I glared.

She laughed, "It's a compliment! You stay here I will call you soon," she said ruffling my hair I tugged her long ponytail when she turned around, she made an angry face but a smile broke onto her beautiful face, and giggling she went away.

I liked the sound of it.

"Wait!" I called

Her head whipped to me hair flying back the sunflower pin couldn't hold them back, soft smile was gracing her small doll face. Even she appeared like one in that white dress.

I clutched my jeans pocket where I had the Silver bow I got for her, tomorrow was her birthday and I wanted to give it to her today just to see her reaction.

She loved gifts, shiny gifts especially, she would jump in delight and hug me.... when last time I only gave her the gold-wrapped chocolate coin.

She thought it was real

I still laugh thinking about it.

"What?" She asked grinning

"Umm .. nothing," I said scratching my head and looking away with a red face.

I peeped from the tree where I hid, she was running to our classmates who disliked me.

I sighed heavily.

She acted like she didn't like me in front of them otherwise they will hate her too. They will say bad things about her or make fun of her, I didn't want that.

Still, it hurts it looks real I feel stupid and worthless to be friends with her only when no one was around

"Hi, Fatso" I turned to see Shaurya in front of me. He was some distant relative of Silver.

He came for vacation. Everybody liked him cause he knows how to skate even Silver says he's cool.

He was a show-off

"Why are you peeping like a creep?" He asked, he had blue eyes Silver says she likes blue eyes. My least fav color now

"Sh- ee's my friend" I stuttered. I was scared of him, he pushes and hits me around for no reason

"Who? Silver? I don't believe it" he snorted, "one doesn't hide their friends behind a tree unless they are embarrassed by you fatso"

"No, she's not...." I sounded uncertain

"Really? Looks like you are stupid too, if she keeps you around it's only for her entertainment as a side joker, stupid... Hey Silver!"

Silver and other kids came toward us running

"Fatso here says Silver is his secret friend.....funny I know"

Silver glanced at me with a nasty look no signs of friendliness "Don't joke like that why will I play with that dumbo? God ...he's such a loser to think that"

He hates meWhere stories live. Discover now