Chapter Three

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After coming back from Prythian I always felt ... weird. Like I was waking up from the best dream I ever had in my life and now coming back to reality. I was moving around in my house slowly and without any feelings. Empty. I felt empty. Even though my world had no magic and was more advanced on scientific level, I always felt like this world was lacking something.

Living on Earth in the 21st Century was something entirely different than living on Earth in year whatsoever in a different dimension. Before Nyx crashed into my garden I hadn't really thought about parallel universes but hearing from a guy with bat wings, muscles made out of steel and magic abilities about another world right "next door" made me interested. And obviously I believed him, his wings worked perfectly and he could vanish right in front of me only to reappear a few feet behind me.

I made myself something to eat and shuddered at the taste. Another thing in Prythian that was way better than here. Even though that was because of the magic. In the human lands, so said Feyre, the food tasted terrible too, compared to the food in Prythian. So it had to be the magic.

I sat in the kitchen, eating a slice of bread with some cheese and stared out of the window. Autumn in Germany wasn't a blessing. I was born in Canada and lived there until I was five. Than me and my parents moved here, into a little village outside of Bremen. And here ... well, even the weather was lax compared to Prythian. The leaves didn't turn red or yellow, they just fell dead to the ground where they clumped into a wet mass because of the rain that never stopped. And it was cold as if Winter was already here.

Nyx hated the weather here and I couldn't blame him one bit.

I smiled as I remembered how we met almost two years ago.

My parents were gone for the weekend, just as they were now, and I sat in the living room, watching some show, as I heard a very loud dull sound, followed by a deep voice shouting: " Fucking shit!"

I stood up and went to the big panorama window with a glass door in it. Only to see a giant man crouching in my garden and holding his foot. The first thing I noticed on him were his wings. Big leather-like wings were on his back, moving and twitching as if they were real. Then I noticed his hair, purple-black and cut without a plan. Some strands were longer than the others without a pattern. It made him look wild and animal-like. Then there were his clothing, fully black and made out of leather, looking thick but yet easy to move around in. Heavy boots on his feet, where my view landed on his fingers. And on the tattoo that covered his whole arm from the wrist until it vanished on the hem of his t-shirt. And only then I looked at his face. At this very handsome face, filled with pain and ... panic. Then I realized that he was scared and then I did the most stupidest thing I could've done.

I opened the door. He didn't notice me as he undid his shoe and pulled it off of his foot.

"Need help with something?" I said and he had moved faster than I could see. Now he was standing, his shoe forgotten on the ground and in his hands he held each a dagger I hadn't seen before. I remembered the slight fear in my gut, only increasing as he pulled his lips from his teeth, baring them and then growling at me. His whole body, his whole being screamed dangerous yet, I stayed calm even though I was afraid as hell.

"My name is Amber." I said in German and only when he furrowed his eyebrows slightly I thought that he maybe didn't understand German. I asked again, in English then, and then he seemed to understand.

"Do you need some help?" He looked me up and down, took a deep breath through his nose ( he sniffed if I was something else than human, which I later found out) and then nodded.

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