Chapter 5: Betrayal

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Was I dead? I lifted up my arm and let it fall by itself. I was alive, but how? Hadn't I been shot in the head or was it just a dream? 


I got up from the ground and was stunned still. My eyesight was blurry, ears were ringing, arms dangled at my side... nothing really felt right. Eventually, everything became clear, and I saw the shocked face of a man holding a sniper. His face was white, and his armor made rattling noise. He was shaking. The guy was completely terrified of me. I took a step toward him, and he took a step back. I took another step, but this time the man pointed toward me. His lips quivered as he forced words to come out. 

"I-impossible! I shot you right through your head!" he cried as I walked up to him. "Stay back! I'll kill you again!" 

I didn't stop. In fact, I proceeded to build up speed. He raised his sniper and shotpoint blank, but I dodged it and stabbed his torso. I raised him above my head and looked into his eyes. He grabbed onto my arm and cried out in agony. I then growled and shook him up and down violently. I was mocking the human that had first kidnapped me. It was my form of revenged, and boy did it feel good. 

 "Look at you. Pathetic." I scoffed. Laughing, I flung him towards the floor. I stared at his dying body. He struggled to turn himself on his back and took one last look at me. His eyes were filled with terror. The man was afraid of dying. 

"What are you..." he said with his last breath. 

"THE LONE WOLF WINS." The speaker said. 

I could hear a loud crowd cheer from outside the arena. However, the noise became muffled as I began to think of what the sniper had just told me. 

What was I? 

I looked around at the destruction I had caused. So many people had lost their lives just because I wished to cure myself from this 'disease.' Did I really want to cure myself that badly? Or did I want an excuse to kill? Was I letting my insanity get the better of me? 

No, I had to remember. I want to save my brothers and sister from becoming what I am. And I couldn't do it in my current state. If I enjoyed killing so much, then what would stop me from killing them as well. I had to cure myself. 

 I watched as green holographic squares appeared around me. They began to move around in a circle, and it sounded as if they were generating electricity. They were moving so fast and building up a ton of heat! With a giant flash, I was suddenly teleported into another building. The room I was in was pitch black. As my eyesight adjusted, I could see the outline of a human sitting behind a desk. Even with my keen wolf sight, the person appeared as nothing but a black figure. 

"What is your name, soldier?" a woman asked me. So, it was a female? Should I tell her my name? All of this seemed kind of suspicious. Though, I couldn't question anything. After all, I was just here for the serum, right? 

"Lemmeania. My name is Lemmeania," I told her. 

 "So, you came here after the mass murder you did? Do you think that... that you may get away with murder?" she asked. Her voice was shaking with anger. She was speaking between her teeth. I was in trouble; they must had found out while I was in the arena. I was dumb to think they wouldn't connect the dots. There is a new person given the growth test, the recruit's commander is dead, and a lone wolf wins the match? It all points to me. 

"You know me?" I asked foolishly. She stood up quick and here heels click clacked on the floor. Then I felt her grab my hand and put something in it. 

"Here's your serum, and if I were in your shoes, I'd escape this place," she replied.A door flung opened behind me and I saw the woman's face. She was old and her armor had definitely seen better days. She had many dog tags hanging from her neck. Before I could analyze her further, she spun me 180 degrees to face the door and shoved me. I started to walk with my eyes closed. She was bound to strike me down for my actions. She would close doors before I could step out. Surely, the woman would try something. 

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