The Interview

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     The cool, crisp air tickled the back of Tommy's neck as he entered the premises of Las Nevadas. He remembered Quackity giving him and Wilbur a tour, despite not allowing Wilbur to join the country. This time, however, he didn't want to join Las Nevadas, but to ask its president a few questions. Despite his age, the young Brit had found a job as a new reporter. Now, his new goal was to get the answers that the people wanted. 

     "Hey, Tubbo!" Tommy waved at his friend. 
Tubbo waved back and walked up to him. 
     "Hi, Tommy!" 
     "How are you, mate?" 
     "I'm doing well, to say the least." 
     "That's good, that's good. Can you do me a favor?" 
     "Sure, what is it?" 
     "Can you get Big Q to talk to me? I have to interview him." 
     "Oh, yeah, I think I can do that." 
     "No problem, Toms!" 


     Tubbo motioned for Tommy to follow him, which Tommy did do. They went up a tall, spiral staircase that led to Quackity's office. 

     Once the two were right outside what Tommy assumed to be Quackity's office, Tubbo mumbled a quick "stay here" to the blond and went inside. He kept playing with a casino chip he stole earlier, waiting for his best friend to come back out of the office. Putting an ear against the door, Tommy tried to listen in on their conversation. 

     "...He's asking to interview you!" 
     "Yes, I know, Tubbo." 
     "But he means your whole life! What if he starts asking about...?" 
     "It's fine. I don't mind being asked about them. Sure, it might hurt, but, hey, listen to me. I have it under control. If you're so worried about me, you can just stand outside the door." 

     Tommy heard footsteps and immediately moved away from the door. It opened and Tubbo stepped out. 
     "So, what'd he say?" Tommy asked. 
     "Yes, but as long as I don't here him crying from out here," Tubbo replied. Tommy nodded, stepping into the president's office. 

     Quackity was sitting down with his feet on the desk, flipping a casino chip with his iconic smile on it. 
     "Hello, Tommy," Quackity said. "Tubbo told me you were here to interview me. Is that true?" 
     Tommy nodded. "Yes, sir." 
     "Okay, then. I guess you can start now." 

     Tommy took out a small, portable microphone and a camera. He set both the camera and microphone to the side, making sure that both were recording them. 

     "So, Quackity, I've heard many rumors about you." 
     "Understandable. I am an interesting man." 
     "The rumors, they... they were about your love life." 

     Quackity seemed rather unaffected by it. 
     "What about my love life?" 
     "They were talking about your fiances. Your ex-fiancés." 
     "Oh. Hm." 
     "It's all they ever talk about nowadays! Doesn't it bother you? That all anyone talks about you when they talk about you, are the ex-fiancés of Alex Quackity?" 

     The president of Las Nevadas stared him dead in the eyes with a smug smile. He put the chip down and leaned towards Tommy. 

     "No, because they are just fiancés. I'm Alex Quackity." 
He sat back down in his office chair, smiling to himself. 
     "And anyway, if the people were told the truth, they'd be much more interested in my rival!" 

     Tommy was confused. "What do you mean by 'rival'? Did you have an affair with one of them?" he asked. 

     Quackity replied, "Yes and no. Tommy... that thing is still recording, right?"
Tommy nodded. 
     "Yes, why?" 
     "...Come back tomorrow, and I might just go in depth on my relationships. This is an interview after all, correct?" 
     "Okay! Thanks, Big Q!" 
     "No problem." 



     Soon after Tommy left, Quackity heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he answered. He looked up, smiling when he recognized the familiar outfit the man in front of him was wearing. 

     Quackity jumped out of his seat and hugged the taller tightly. Wilbur laughed, hugging him back and kissing him softly on the forehead. 

     "Missed you too, duckling," he whispered with his soft British accent. "Saw Tubbo outside. Said Tommy was here... for an interview? Since when did my fucking gremlin of a brother become a news reporter?" 

     "Since today, I guess. He... he asked about my exes. He said people want to know. I mentioned you, Wil," Quackity mumbled, looking down. Wilbur noticed and lifted his chin up, forcing Quackity to look up at him. 

     "You sure you wanna tell him? We've been doing this for years now! Why right now?" 
     "I trust him. Besides, aren't we gonna get married in a few months?" 
     "...You have a point. Did you straight-up say my name or...?" 
     "No. I'm not that stupid!" 

     They started laughing. Once they finished, Wilbur lifted his hand to Quackity's cheek, staring into his eyes lovingly. 

     "Y'know... you should smile like that more, duckling. I love it when you smile like that." 

     The two stared into each other's eyes, and Wilbur was about to kiss him. He pushed Quackity onto his desk, leaning towards him. 

     Suddenly, the door opened. Wilbur cursed under his breath, turning around. It was Tubbo. He had a worried expression on his face, almost like he was afraid. Quackity only ever saw this side of him a few times, but it made him worry. 

     "What's wrong, Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, getting off of Quackity. 

     The young brunet stared at Quackity with fear in his eyes, breath shaky as he whispered so quietly, it seemed as though he was mouthing it. 

     "He's here."  


Word count: 921 

Enjoy the cliffhanger. It won't last too long /srs (I suck at this bro and my other friend/new beta-reader wants tntduo content) 

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