Some Vows Broken, Some Newborn

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The interview continues! ...but Quackity has to talk about Schlatt. Woo! (/sarc)
Quackity ends up breaking a vow he made after the death of a certain person; he finds out someone close to him is in a... relationship?

Sorry I'm slow with posting! I had to move houses, get adjusted to my new school, and write this all at the same time lmao Also I kept my word: it's been around 1 1/2 months since I posted the chapter before :D

THERES A BUNCH OF CURSING IN HERE LOL (T'was simply my time to shine)

This was titled with the help of ray :3 (I think? I dunno I forgot)
And this was beta read by one of my irls :D (AKA the person this was gifted to)

TW:// Mentions Abusive Relationship, Drunk Character (...except I think it's written poorly- but still drunk character tho.)


"Quackity. Forgive me for saying this, but I saw you coming from near Wilbur's van. What were you doing there?"
"Oh! I had to visit a... friend of mine in that direction."

Foolish's eyes held its view of Quackity, as though he could sense something was being hidden; however, he spoke of nothing as he simply nodded and let Quackity through the gates.


"Hello, Quackity from Las Nevadas!" Slime greeted Quackity from the door.

Quackity responded with a slight wave and a smile.
"Hey, Slime. Is Foolish still guarding the entrance?"

"Nope! Fundy from Las Nevadas is there!"
"Okay. Send Sam to guard the gate with Fundy."
"Oh! Brother Tubbo from Snowchester is here with Tommy from Nowhere."
"That's good. Bring them in and go do what I asked. You may leave now, Slime."

Slime left and Tommy and Tubbo stepped into the room.

"Hello. Take a seat, both of you."

As the two sat down, Quackity looked at Tubbo and asked, "What are you doing here, Tubbo? I know Tommy's here for the interview, but-"

"You have to talk about Schlatt. That's why I'm here."

Quackity's voice suddenly went quiet.
"Oh. Him."

"Yeah. Sorry, Big Q," Tommy said. "I could try to get to not have me interview you about him. You don't have to talk about him."

"No. I'll do it. I can manage. Just- just start the interview."
"Oh! Okay. What was your relationship with Schlatt like?"
"It was absolute shit. Honestly, I don't even know what I saw in him. He was power-hungry, abusive, and controlling. He might've been kind to me before, but the last time I saw a smile in that asshole's eyes that wasn't of a crazy, psychopathic maniac was when-"
"I can't say it."
"Come on, Big Q, just finish the sentence!"
"No. I'm not revealing that secret. The public already knows about my fucked up love life. I can't- I can't say it!"
"Why not?"

"Because it's about me, Tommy. The last time he ever saw a smile from Schlatt that was happy- genuinely kind and happy -was when I was born," Tubbo spoke up.

"That means-"
"Quackity is my mom. Now stop pressuring him? Please?"

Tommy looked down.
"Sorry, Tubbo. Sorry, Big Q. I'll just move on. I'm okay really sorry if this one bothers you, but I have to ask this one. What exactly did he do to you?"

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