Chapter 1

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This is aMAZEing guys! If you shanks are reading this, I LOVE YA'! I will try to update periodically and PLEASE tell me what you think or just what's on your mind because I really will care!

Laura's point of view
It was cold and rainy outside I put my head up against the double sealed and boarded window pane. My dad had boarded up the windows just two weeks ago as soon as the government started announcing the flare was out. At first we thought of the commercials were only jokes, that they weren't real, but when the crazy people started showing up at the door; banging on the walls, we had to protect ourselves. The government said that no person has a chance and that they couldn't hide from the flare; that it was impossible to survive what you had it. There was no cure and people are lucky enough to die before the symptoms set in. I can remember thinking I would do anything to get here and protect myself and my family. I suppose that explains why I let them take me.

Newts point of view
I wake up in a room. the walls are white and there are many scary people around all wearing masks. One man has two syringes,one in each hand. I feel certain that they are meant for me I don't know what I can do about it I don't know this place I can only remember my family and my house and not much else. I suppose it's all my fear taking over my brain I don't know what to do here and I don't know what I can do about it. this man tells me that I'm doing this for the good of humanity and injects me with the light colored liquid and immediately I feel sedated. As he holds up the red syringe, ready to inject me he tells me that I can have a minute to myself, so I stop and look around. I see a familiar face, a girl, in my mind I know her name.Laura. I don't know how I know this and it must be all the fear taking over or maybe the sedation. I try to tell myself to calm down to remember what my name is. what is my name? my name is newt I tell myself. A wave of calm washes over me. Then the man injects me.

Laura's point of view
As they drag me away from my family; away from my house;away from all that I know, I stop and look back. I see the ground and trees blowing in the wind; in the cold rain and I know I'll always remember the misery of this moment.
We arrive in the building and once inside the building the men drop me down on couch and leave the room locking the door. there's only one other person in the room, a boy, I ask him what his name is. for moment he doesn't answer. "Newt", he says, "that's my name. "
After Spending a couple days with Newt we become best friends. kind of like we have to; we have no other choice there's no way out of this and we're both being forced to do something to save ourselves and our families. One day in the middle of a conversation about what might happen to us, two men come in and take newt away. They drag him and he screams and fights and tries to get away but there is nothing else he can do. I bite my lip holding back tears and fear that I know will come. what are they doing with him? I race to the door but another guard blocks my way and drags me out. The man in the lab coat pauses and injects him with a red liquid. I scream. as he falls away in pain, I ask him one thing: " promise you'll never forget me newt! That you'll Never forget us!"
" I promise" he answers.
It's been almost a year and a half since I've seen newt. It's really lonely having no one else my age here; the scientists say that if I keep solving problems for them every day that they can finish the project soon and I might get to see him again. I heard a sound at my door. I turn and ask "who is it"but nobody answers. as I'm about to turn back around two scientists pin me to the wall. I can't fight them,I'm not strong enough. one of them holds up a strange similar to the one that they stuck newt with. I don't know what to do;fighting seems useless. so I just let them inject me and hope beyond hope that I'll see newt again.

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