Chapter 6- good greivers!

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Ok y'all so this story has 47 READS!! Thank you guys SOOO MUCH! I'm going on a big trip Friday so please get back to me on those characters for my next SYOC:)

Hannah's POV
I slept in Minho's bed last night ( no not with him,shank) , he wouldn't let me sleep on the floor, he Said it wasn't a gentlemanly thing to do. I was actually having pleasant dreams when Until someone started shaking me awake.
"Hannah, we have to go on the tour, Hannah? Are you awake?" It was Minho. I tried not to smile. Then I realized what he was saying. I was supposed to get up.
"Hannah?! Anybody home?" Wait. Crap. The tour. Shuck! I threw myself out of bed ( maybe a little too excitedly because I fell off the side.)
"I'm up! I'm up!"
" Hannah are you ok?"
"Yep, never better? Why do you ask?"
"Well, you kind of face planted the floor." He said.
"Oh! I guess I did." I said trying to sound casual. " just let me change real quick- could you um- ya know- leave the room for like five seconds?"
"Oh! Yeah. Uh sure." He exited and closed the door behind him.

Minho's POV
Dang it took that girl a long time to get ready. When she finally came out though she looked so beautiful. I mean how does one look good in brown pants and a long sleeved green t-shirt and beat up old brown combat boots! Her hair was a tangled mess of curls but it didn't matter because she looked perfect to me.
"I'm so sorry it took so long." she said. " I couldn't find my shoes no matter where I looked but I finally found them under the bed!"
I couldn't help myself I just started grinning like a shuck idiot!
Then she started blushing! She was blushing! Did she like me? These confusing emotions were just too much to handle!
"Would you like to begin your tour m'lady? I said with that stupid grin on my face.
She smiled and said, "Why of course!"

Newt's POV
"Listen Shank I can't give you extra food it's against the rules." Frypan explained with a very stern look on his face.
" Come on Frypan it's for a good cause." I said with my pouty face
( which always worked by the way).
" And what may that cause be." He asked.
" Well you see me and Laura here have a plan to set Minho and that new girl Hannah up." I explained.
" How does this relate to my giving you food?" he asked.
" Laura and I had this idea that we would have a picnic set up at the map room for those two lovebirds." I said.
"Why should I give you my food even if this is for some love picnic, it's against the rules Newt and you should know that better than anyone else we don't break the rules." he said sternly.
" Please, Frypan. Please." I begged.
" Make an exception just this once."
" Fine." He said exasperated.
" Just don't tell anybody."

Laura's POV
so while Minho was giving Hannah the tour newt and I had to act quickly. He'd gotten the food and Id brought a blanket( yes it seems like I let newt do the work but finding a clean blanket in the glade is like trying to find a needle in the worlds largest haystack).
"Alright," I said when we reached the map room. " we need to set the food out all neat and romantic like ." Newt laughed and...holy flying cow sickles! His laugh shot my brain out of my skull and through the roof of the map room. Focus, Laura. I told myself. You're on a mission.
"So can I put the pie here or.."
"Yes,newt you can put the pie wherever you like." He placed it on the edge of the blanket. "No, not there, oh here, just let me do it. " we reached to pick it upset the same time and our fingers brushed. I could feel myself blushing. Newt was the first to speak.
"Did you ever think.. Maybe we knew each other before the glade? I mean I know it sounds crazy, but maybe before they sent us here? I mean-"
" I know exactly what you mean," I said smiling.
Thanks for reading y'all! Isn't this getting exciting?!! Btw I wanted to let those of you reading know that my BFF hannahgrace2000 wrote HALF of this chapter so be sure to comment and let her know what a great job she did:)

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