Chapter 8

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// "Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes" //

In the past few days, the boys became a little bit colder. I'm not saying they were rude or bad with me, just with the rest of the people and took attitude. It's like they grew up from their unicorns and rainbows era.

I haven't talked to Seonghwa all these days after what he told me. I cried myself to sleep every night and I'm forcing myself to forget about him.

It was 11 pm. I was staying in my bed reading something when I heard some loud knocks on the front door. My dad left for work for 2 weeks and I got a little bit scared.

I got up from my bed and slowly approached the door, looking at the visor. It was raining and the man was dressed all black, from head to toe so I couldn't see who it was.

I jumped as some more knocks were made. I tried to calm myself and opened the door finally.

"C-Can I help you?" The boy smiled and took off his and he took off his hood, his dirty blond hair showing.

I sighed when I recognized the face. It was Yeosang. But why is he here at this hour? I thought to myself and invited him in.

He took off his shoes and sat on the sofa. "Yeosang? What are you doing here at this hour? You scared the hell out of me."

Yeosang rubbed the back of his head and awkwardly chuckled. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. The bad weather caught me off guard and I decided to come to your place since I also have something important to tell you."

I raised an eyebrow as my heart skipped a beat. I was scared about what I will find.

"I will get straight to the subject. Seongh-" but Yeosang didn't finish his sentence as his phone started ringing.

"Shit, wait for a second." He got up and answered the call. He went to the bathroom so I didn't know who is he talking to and about what.

After some good minutes, he came back with his resting bitch face. "Sadly I have to leave, but I will tell you tomorrow or the next few days what is happening. Don't worry, it's nothing bad." Yeosang gave me a last look and smiled before leaving my house. I was confused.


It was lunchtime. I forgot to get my money so I just went to the table where my friends Chul and Eun were.

"Taeyong are you alright? Don't tell me you're starving yourself again." I wanted to die as all the eyes were on me now. Eun gave me an 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to say it that loud' look.

I was embarrassed and looked down at my shoes as everyone started whispering and talking.

"Ms Perfect is starving herself? How funny. Finally a new subject to gossip about." A girl spoke as she got up from the table. It was one of Eunji's best friends, Yuri. I felt uncomfortable and just wanted to be gone.

I couldn't even do anything anymore as a pair of hands took mine to the back and held tight on them as Yuri came with a big hamburger to me.

"Let me help you darling with the starving." She started pushing the food through my mouth and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Everyone started laughing and taking videos. I was trying to deny everything but I couldn't.

When she finally got done I fell on my knees as the pair of hands left mine alone. I was sobbing and everyone left the canteen as it rang for class. I was holding tight to my stomach and started throwing up.

Chul and Eun came as fast as they could to me as the boys started looking for a teacher to help.

In some minutes Yunho came with one of our teachers and the clean lady. "Yunho please take her to the nurse and Eun please bring Taeyong the P.E. uniform from her locker."

Both of them nodded and the boys came to me to help me get up, even if it meant them getting a little bit dirty.


As I sat on the nurse's bed, I remembered something. "Yunho, can you please call Yeosang here? I want to ask him something.."

Yunho's eyes widened and he looked away, giving a cold look. "If it's about something he wanted to tell you last night, then I'm not calling him. This isn't the right place to talk about that."

A confused look appears on my face as I slowly get up. "Why? Why nobody is telling me what is happening?"

Yunho sighed and got up too. "Taeyong... Wait a little bit more and you will find out about everything."


I kept calling Seonghwa for some good hours. After what Yunho told me yesterday I thought it would be better if I talked myself with him. Come on, pick up... I thought to myself. After a few more tries I gave up. Maybe it was better to go to his place to talk face-to-face.

I dressed basically: a pair of black wide jeans and a dark purple hoodie. I left the house and went to the address that I wrote on my phone as Seonghwa's.

After I got there I looked in the backyard and saw his car and his motorcycle. I took a deep breath and knocked. It didn't even last 2 minutes and a sleepy messy Seonghwa opened the door.

"Hm?" His eyes widened as he saw me. He wanted to close the door but I stopped him. I knew his parents weren't home so I entered the house.

"When did I say you can come in?"

"Well, you haven't answered my calls and I needed to talk to you. Face to face. Since nobody is telling me what is happening, I'm finding it by myself." Seonghwa annoyingly closed the door and threw himself on the couch.

"It's nothing important and it doesn't matter at all. Happy? Now you can go home." I rolled my eyes and went to him on the couch.

"I don't believe you. Yunho told me that you wanted to talk to me yesterday, and now you're telling me it's not important?" I asked, my voice rising in frustration.

Seonghwa sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "Look, it's not something I can just tell you like this. It's complicated and messy, and I don't want to drag you into it."

"Seonghwa, you're my friend. Whatever it is, I want to help you. Just tell me what's going on," I pleaded. He gave me a cold look and I felt my heart skipping two beats.

He hesitated for a moment, then spoke softly. "Okay, but promise me you won't judge me or hate me after I tell you this."

"I promise," I said firmly.

He took a deep breath and began to speak. "I've been dealing with some shits lately, and it's been affecting my behavior. I've been drinking a lot, taking drugs and making some bad decisions."

"Weren't you drinking in the past too? Like a lot?"

"Yeah, but it's worse now. Yunho and Yeosang thought telling you might make you wanna help me but I definitely don't need your help. I'm good by myself. Now you can leave."

I sighed. And got up. I decided not to argue or talk back so I just left. The clock was 9:46 pm. I didn't want to go home since it was too dark and my house was kind of not so close.

I decided to go to San's house since he was the in between my house and Seonghwa's.


Since I finally finished with my exams for now, I have a lot of time to write. I also have some good ideas. If you got until there with the reading thank u a lot☺️🫶🏻 also if you got till this chapter answer to this and tell me how its the book and what do you like and what you dont so i can know in the future😙 also i want to know who really reads this book😭

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