your forever mine

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A/N ahhh this is the last chapter. I don't know what else to write and want to start my second story. Also this story is my favorite so I'll probably read it when I'm board lol I hope you enjoyed it!!

Art found on pintrist credits to artist!

-time skip-

After some time the two finally made it back to mondstat. Once back st the winery venti went to dilucs room and changed into more comfortable cloths. Once he was he went to diluc who was talking with the maids. Vento looked st him and smiled "so master diluc what do you want to do today?" He asked.

Diluc looked at venti and shrugged "not sure I guess we can go outside or something" venti nodded befor they where stopped by adelinde.

She informed them of hillichurls and abyss mages around the area. She said not to worry to much since they haven't done anything but she still wanted them to be careful.

Venti and diluc nodded befor they went outside. Venti went over to the grap Bushes befor he started to eat some. Diluc didn't mind but was very worried about the abyss mages and hillichurals. Why where they coming to the whinery and why now. But he sighed trying to let go of it.

Venti ate the graps befor he started to wander around. Diluc was up at the whinery sitting on the stone hedge as he looked at venti watching him wander around.

Venti soon went back to the grap vines on the far side of the whinery unaware of the danger that was near. Venti got on hes knees and started eating more graps since he liked them a lot although not as much as he liked apples.

Diluc looked  at venti befor looking around. He noticed some bushes up on the hill moving. He turned hes attention befor he noticed it was an archer hillichural. He was aiming straight for ventt, diluc got up quickly and without thinking he ran for venti in an attempt to protect him.

"Venti look out!!" Hebyelled venti looked st him confused but it was to late the hillichurl fired hes arrow. Diluc soon pushed venti out of the way causing him to tumble down the hill. He soon stopped and looked up at diluc befor he soon some hillichurls and abyss mages.

Venti got up and went to diluc who was hurt in hes arms he got up without a problem and pulled hes sword out.

Venti looked at him worried "diluc...are you ok?"He asked. Diluc nodded "yeah I'm fine just saty back ok" he said befor charging to enemies.

Venti looked at him and sighed "why must you be so stubborn " he mumbled befor he pulled put hes bow and started to help him. Between the two venti did most of the work and he was happy about that since he didn't need diluc getting hurt more then he already was.

After a few they finished but diluc was still hurt. He held hes arms as venti looked st him Petrie

"Diluc..come on let's get you inside...pleas" he said softly.
Diluc rolled hes eyes "im fine venti...are you ok" he asked

"I'm fine diluc....but your not so pleas let me treat you wound" he said as he looked st him with a serious but worried look.

Dilic sighed "fine..." he said.

The two went inside and venti cleaned dilucs wound befor bandaging it" better?" He asked.

Diluc nodded "yes thank you" he said softly. Venti nodded "diluc pleas be more careful. I'm immortal so even if I get hit I can just heal" he ssid crossing hes arms "but your I was worried you go hurt worse then what it was" he said sadly.

Diluc nodded a bit "fine...I'm sorry" he mumbled a bit. Venti hugged him befor kissing hes cheek softly "I know just pleas be careful "he said as he noticed diluc blushed.

He giggled "I love you master diluc" he said softly as he gave him a happy warm smile.

Diluc blushed more befor he smiled "I love you to venti" he said softly befor he kissed the bard softly on the lips.

Venti was caught off guard but didn't mind. He kissed him back smiling threw the kiss. They soon broke the kiss as they smiled at each other.

The end ---

A/N ahhh this is the end of my first story time to go work on my next one hehheh

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