Solo Rescue 2

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Leopard made his way to the rooms where subjects rest and sleep, there were 3 doors that lead to excessive rooms or dorms, each was guarded but not as arm as a soldier.

To no one's surprise there were cameras keeping an eye on the security, well that wasn't y/n's concern now there's no safe eyes on them.

Taking them out stealth isn't an option consider they stand in proximity. He could only do this the bold way.

Plus, it be fun.

Leopard walks out of the shadows immediately drawing the guard's attention, their guns draw out when leopard's toes are even out "stop! Who are you! Name yourself" one of them demands aiming his gun at y/n.

A single step and they tense up; leopard give off this bone-chilling fear emitting around him, daunting the guards.

guns were quivering by their unwilling hands.

"Alert the rest" one said.

One nod reaching for the radio, but he never reach it.

One moment he was just speaking, and now he lay on the ground bleeding from his head.

The other two didn't know what had just happened, seeing their comrade suddenly deceased in a flash, axe in his skull

They take no time and open fire over y/n who dodge like he use to in his past troops, being call the fastest was no joke.

It's as if he could see the trajectory of bullets, the remaining two starts to panic, leopard is simply walking menacingly close.

Behind the doors were gurgling sound and a short cry then the door open with the guard's body drop in front.

Near the entrance was a panel that control the doors, there wasn't any signs which room is König's nor did the monitor room. leopard would have to search the old fashion way.

He walks along the corridor searching for that identical mask, all the captives were sleeping, their glass were soundproof, not able to hear anything outside.

-fast forward-

König wasn't here, but one of the room was empty. assume he was taken he head off the experiment area.

Also; he did find some of the special forces, but he didn't release them cause when he passes, they held enmity in their eyes. So y/n plan to get König first to make things smoother.


"Make sure don't overdo it, otherwise same thing will happen again" a strange voice echo faintly through leopard's ears. In fact it was so faint regular human beings can't hear.

y/n mark the sound and follows, a door obstructs his path, peeking over the small glass window inspecting the event inside.

There's a guy in a lab coat with a clipboard in hand, he lean over the microphone and spoke "begin"

Later on, the sound of zapping and lights flash the entire room including y/n, while blind he heard a very painful loud scream from inside.

After the blind y/n shift his position and saw a very big guy strap on a dentist chair. By big guy it was none other than König.

Everything was the same except some...tentacles twirling near his...mask, there were inside his mask like it's his own.

"Don't tell me..." it mutters in his mind, debating whether he was hallucinating.

The lab coat guy ordered another round, writing things with his pen.

At this point leopard had given up on stealth, the metal door was kick open, dust envelop the doorway, the guy had cringe over the uninvited activity.

𝑀𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝒶 𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓅𝑜𝓃 | König x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now