two. self preservation

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A cold, winter breeze brushed through her short, silver locks. The freezing temperatures nipped at her pale skin and her breaths came out shallow and quick. Running out from the abandoned cabin lodge, Yun-Jin continued to sprint across the snowy grounds and make her way towards the flashing red light that blinked just a few feet away.

Almost there. She was almost there.

As she got closer, Yun-Jin could feel her heartbeat begin to thump rapidly against her chest. A deep,sinister laugh could be heard from behind the mound near the doors followed by rushing footsteps. Her brown eyes widened in fear. She wanted to turn back. She wanted to run away, perhaps find the other doors. But if she were to turn around, he was certainly going to kill her.

Noed was still active and she had searched high and low to find it, but her search came down to nothing. She had no idea where the other survivors were, and the exit gates in front of her were point blank to being open. She didn't have much time to think about it. The exit gates were right there. One second left on the door, and if she was quick enough, she was certain she could make it.

She could only hope the others were already at the second exit.

Rushing past the mound, Yun-Jin quickly grabbed the rusted steel handle and flicked down the switch. In an instant, the doors began to shrill and slowly open.

A smile almost made its way to her lips, however, her sense of security left upon hearing a scream come from behind. Looking over her shoulder, Yun-Jin felt her heart plummet to her stomach upon seeing the brunette botanist, known as Claudette, fall to the ground just a few feet away. Yun-Jin could only watch in horror as a familiar man with slicked back silver hair and bright golden hues walked in with a short swing of his bat.

Yun-Jin looked at the exit and then back at the botanist. She wanted to run up to the woman and heal her, but she was terrified at the same time. Should she just leave? Her eyes looked over at the woman who had been assisting her in the trials so far. She had been nothing but kind and helpful to her. No, she could not just up an abandon her. Not like she did back then.

Yun-Jin took a hesitant step forward. She thought about running up to the woman and helping her up, but she couldn't. She couldn't fight off the little devil that told her to just run away. Leave her and escape while you still can. She hated having these thoughts, but could anyone really blame her?

Fortunately, she didn't have to dwell on those thoughts any longer, because as soon as she made eye contact with Claudette, the young botanist silently told with her fearful brown eyes a single word.


So Yun-Jin stood by the exit, watching helplessly as the killer let out a loose laugh. He swung his bat away and took out multiple blades, each one suddenly stabbed into Claudette's body. Yun-Jin felt her stomach tie into a knot, the young woman's screams echoing out into the cold, open air, but there was nothing she could do but watch in despair.

Once her screams died into nothingness, Yun-Jin moved her eyes away from Claudette's corpse. Her attention then transferred over to the deranged man that hovered over the botanist with gleam in his sadistic golden eyes. That man...he was one of Yun-Jin's greatest successes, but also one of her greatest regrets. Wearing a long yellow coat and magenta colored pants, the male known by his stage name "The Trickster" stood just a few feet away from her, with an unnerving smile curved on his lips. He looked happy, too happy for someone who just brutally murdered an innocent woman.

Why? Why is that deranged man like this? How did she not see the signs before arriving here?! If it wasn't for him...

Yun-Jin glared in anger and disgust. Although she stared spitefully, the man paid no attention to her unwavering sneer. Instead, the trickster, also known as Ji-Woon Hak, grabbed a flimsy piece of paper out of his coat pocket. Without sparring another glance, he carelessly flicked the photocard at the brunette's corpse.

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