4||Trade Mark Issues

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"It's Blackbeard!"

"The Black Beard Pirates!"

"Marshall D. Teach!"

The heck? Blackbeard? Just how original could this guy get? Toph scoffed at the bootleg pirate wannabe. Sure, it's a cool name, but it's not even original.

Meh. Toph will just step in when it gets hectic.

She laid her head back against the floor and proceeded to fall asleep once again.

Soon enough, loud snores filled the ship, explosions and cries of war in the background playing like a lullaby.



Toph jolted awake at the sudden explosion as she pulled herself up once more, noting the stiffness in her sore body and grimaced. Her stamina sucked.

She planted her feet on the deck and lethargically shuffled her way to the edge of the boat, hopping over the railing to get to the ground below.

The sea was still frozen over so it was easier for her to sense where everything was. She hurried off the ice when her feet began to feel numb from the temperature.

"Shit, it's like I have to do everything myself." She mumbled. Sensory input registered from the vibrations as she noted the current state of the field.

She felt the tall guy from before—Whitebeard, if she recalled correctly—duke it out against the bootleg version that had just entered the battle right before she feel asleep. If she estimated correctly, her power nap was around twenty minutes...or she thinks it's twenty minutes. She wasn't good with time, considering she can't see clocks...

Anyways, the two 'pirates' were fuming it out. That was...until they were blown away by some sort of shockwave Toph couldn't identify.

Meh. Less work for her.

She crossed her arms in agitation and harshly stomped on the ground once and hooked a firm uppercut in the air while sliding her foot across the ground. The next moment, many large pillars of earth sprouted up from the ground and launched the so called 'Blackbeard pirates' across Marineford while they were in the middle of their fights. She was aware of another man sitting atop a building holding a rifle. No one spotted him yet? He's right in the open and they're not attacking him...

"Tch. People should get fights over with quickly. I really need some tea from that Iroh guy again. That stuff does wonders. I swear it's spiked with something strong." Toph vaguely muttered with a yawn, stretching her stiff arms above her head, gaining a few cracks from her bones.

And this is all happening when literally everyone is staring at her like she just launched one of the the most dangerous crews across an island like it was nothing, which she just did.

Toph perked up when she felt gazes on her. Turning towards the area where she felt the looks, she raised a brow and pointed her finger accusingly. "So like, are you guys gonna get your butts out of here while I cover for you? Cause like, just because I'm some girl doesn't mean I can't bend those Marines over my knee and whoop their asses."

She felt the magma guy from before once again and paused her rant. So he escaped? Maybe his little friends helped him. Toph narrowed her blind eyes when she felt the lava-man move to punch a smaller figure in front of him. It felt like a kid barely older than her. Probably around 5 foot something and felt like he was wearing that "marine" uniform.

What was his name? Something like Colt? Cole? Carl? Kody? Ah. I forgot. I think he made like a huge speech while I knocked those guys across the island. Oh–is he still going with his speech?

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