What "Mayonnaise Roulette" is like with them

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- if they're tired or you've teased them all day they'll be the neediest and the most obedient to you but when you give them the pleasure they want they can't stay quiet at all and you tend to get complaints from the other killjoys

- if they're pissed off or annoyed then they will provoke your walking privileges for a while but is still loud once things get going

- if they get too loud then they'll either cram their face in your neck or bury their face in the pillows

- this man will tease you and laugh when you get all pissed off at him but just tug his hair and he'll be like putty in your hands

- if he's pissed off or really annoyed then be prepared for him to be rough and tease you till you're crying

- another loud one who makes the other killjoys complain every time you two go at it

- when he's in a good mood then he'll praise you and leave so many hickeys that you'll have trouble counting them all but if he's irritated and upset then yeah you ain't walking properly for a while

- if he's in the mood to bottom then he loves when you play with his thighs and spoil the living hell out of him

- tries to hide his noises most of the time but when he's bottoming he can't help but get a little loud

- if he knows you've had a long day then he'll make it his personal duty to make you feel amazing and forget all about what's been bothering you

- if you've been teasing him or if he's irritated then he'll get rough and cover you with love bites

- isn't really too loud but if you and him go for a while then he'll start making more and more noises

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