(2) Learn to control your anger

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Kaden's POV:

I watched as Albert lit another cigerette, I couldn't help but wonder why he smoked so much. I mean he has been smoking since I met him, and he didn't quit when we started dating, despite me trying to talk to him about it. He blew smoke out from his mouth, I held my breath in hopes that I wouldn't take in anymore of the smoke. It was no use and I ended up choking anyway. "Stop being a baby and suck it up." He mumbled. "I'm not being a baby, I just hate the smoke." "When did I say you could speak bitch?" He snapped. That's another I dislike about our relationship, how toxic its getting. Its just like he always has control or he always has something nasty to say. I decided to try and stand up to him, bad idea. "I can speak when I want to, I'm an adult." He turned to face me suddenly, with the cigertette still between his lips. "What the fuck did you just say?" You could clearly see the anger on his face. He scared me when he got like this. I shuffled backwards on the couch. "Go on, you were so confident a second ago." I shook my head in fear. He slammed his hand down on the couch next to me. "TALK BITCH, TELL ME WHAT YOU SAID!" I was shaking and couldn't back up anymore. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!" I shook my head again, "Get out of my sight." He demanded. I felt as though I couldn't move, so I didn't go anywhere. He grabbed me and yanked me up and pushing me towards thye stairs. "GO!" He yelled. I hated this, I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. I slid down the back of my door and tried to catch my breath. I calmed down after a few minutes, composing myself and going back downstairs. I reached the bottom step and watched as Albert was crying. This is bad thing number 3 in our relationship, he either always plays the victim or he cries and apoligies only to do the same thing tomorrow, but for some reason, I always go along with it. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded, "I'm sorry Kaden, I really am." I nodded and smiled, but I knew that wasn't true. Why was he even so angry in the first place?

~Time skip to the next day~

Kaden's POV:

I woke up and went downstairs. Albert was sat on the couch on his phone smoking a cigerette, as usual. I went and sat down next to him. He put the cigerette out and set his phone on the side, strange. He shuffled a little closer to me and put his arm around me. "I really meant it last night, I'm sorry." He told me. I was shocked. What caused this sudden change in behaviour? I was too scared to ask, incase he got angry with me. I just nodded and smiled. "I'm being serious Kaden." He told me. I was still too scared to speak, I wanted him to stay like this and not start yelling again. His expression changed quickly because I wasn't speaking. "Oh- uhm yes, that's good." I stuttered. His expression went back to calm and happy. He hasn't really changed.

~Timeskip to evening (Like 7 pm)~

Kaden's POV:

I was sat on my bed, I had been for most of the day, when suddenly Albert burst into the room. "Get dressed, we're going out." "Where are we going?" I asked. "Jake is having a house party." He said, and then he left the room. I hate parties, but I didn't have a choice but to go.

~At the party~

3rd Person POV:

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" Albert yelled. There was a fight breaking out between Albert and another guest at the party, this person triggered Albert's bad temper by insulting his boyfriend Kaden. As he stood there, the angriest he had ever been, he just couldn't control himself. Suddenly, the soft touch of someone's hand snapped him out of his angry thoughts. Kaden's soft , cold hand touched his and calmed him down completely. He took a breath and walked away, still clutching Kaden's small hand. He stared down at the pretty boy walking beside him. Kaden looked up and smiled. Albert kissed his forehead and Kaden giggled softly before they continued walking and left to go back home.


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