(1) Rainfall

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Kaden's POV:

I was staring out the window, watching raindrops fall onto the already soaked ground. I sighed, I was having a tough week and nothing was really making it any better. I liked the rain though, at least that was something to be happy about. I thought, since I like the rain, I should go walking. I grabbed my coat and some shoes and left. I don't really know where I was planning to go, but it felt nice to be outside. I was feeling a little better now, but still a little sad. What else could I even do to make me happy? I want to feel better, I don't want to be depressed and relapse again. What was the point in thinking about all of this now? I was supposed to make myself feel better not worse! I felt like crying now, why am I like this? Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out to check it, raindrops falling onto the screen, It was a text from Albert. I felt myself smile just seeing his name displayed there on the screen, was he the cure to my sadness? I opended the message and read it. I smiled at what it said,

Hey Kaden, do you have time to come over today??? -Albert

Ofc, I'll be there in 5 :) -Kaden

I smiled and began walking to his house.

~ Timeskip to Kaden's arrival ~

Albert's POV:

I was patiently waiting for Kaden to get here. I needed his help with something. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, I answered and, as expected, it was Kaden. "Hi." I greeted. "Hello," He smiled back, his smile looked so fake and forced though. "Are you ok?" I asked him, he nodded with another fake smile. "Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded slowly, knowing full well that wasn't true. "Anyway, what did you need my help with?" He asked. "Oh- yeah- I needed you to help me with a video." I explained. He nodded "Sure, show what you need me to do." "Are you sure you're ok Kaden?" I asked. "YES I'M FINE!! STOP ASKING ME!!" He cried. A couple of silent seconds went by before he burst into tears. I gave a sympathetic look and went to comfort him. He practically fell into my arms, he was still soaking wet from the rain and he was crying hysterically into my chest. I rubbed soothing circles on his back and tried to calm him down. "Whats wrong?" I asked, hopefully in a sympethetic tone. He sighed and started to stop crying, "I-I don't know, I'm j-just having a rough time." He explained, still choking back tears. "Its ok, Its ok." I calmed him. "You are making me feel better though." He smiled, a real smile this time. I smiled back. "I tried to go for a walk in the rain, but it didn't help." He explained. "Would you like to go for a walk in the rain together?" I asked. He nodded "Yes please."

3rd person POV:

And so they did, the pair of them walked in the rain and Albert dropped Kaden back home, forgetting all about his video.


537 Words

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