Chapter 21

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"So you don't desire males anymore? At all?" Amren swirled her drink in her grip, settling back in the chair, short legs casually crossed while fingers fidgeted with a ruby necklace at her collar.

Mor popped a plump strawberry between her ruby lips, wiping her hands with a shrug. "While the thought of one may thrill me now and then, I've simply found over the years that being with a female means more. A connection on a more intimate level, I suppose. Particularly with one female now than anyone else I've been with. Plus, with the right lover, there are things you do not miss. Trust me."

Azriel glanced sidelong at the redhead on his left. This type of chatter wasn't unusual for their circle of friends, especially since Mor had divulged her preference for females weeks ago. Only Amren had been away for the revelation.

Those large, teal eyes focused on Mor as Gwyn chomped on a bite of biscuit. He wondered if any of Gwyn's books touched on females with females or males with males. Surely, there had to be a night when their Valkyrie book club discussed some of those scenes. Oh, to be a daemati and peek inside her adorably curious mind.

"And." Mor stopped to imbibe her bubbly champagne, having another nibble of berry. "It's nice to not have to draw a map and have someone know precisely where to touch—"

"Hey! I'm offended by that remark!" Cassian raised an eyebrow. "You weren't complaining when we fu—" He paused, glancing quickly at Gwyn quickly before continuing. "When know." Nesta snickered, shaking her head.

Gwyn choked. Azriel leaned over, patting and rubbing her back as she hacked and coughed. Rhysand cleared his throat, about to suggest a change in conversation, no doubt.

"Wait. Mor and Cassian had sex?" Gwyn squeaked out before she stopped herself. Hand slapped over her mouth, her face went from pale and freckled to pink all over. "Oh, gods, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Don't sweat it, Gwynnie, it's not a secret. Everyone here knows," Cassian said with a casual shrug, no smugness behind his tone.

Ah yes, when Morrigan had wrangled Cassian to take her virginity to spite Keir's arranged marriage proposal with Eris. The second moment in Azriel's story when he'd experienced true heartbreak, adhering to his stone heart like moss for five hundred years.

"I had no criticisms because I had nobody to compare our time to." Mor teased with a wink.

Nesta couldn't stave her chuckling at that one, as Cassian was about to deliver something lewd in response.

"But," Mor started, tipping her glass flute to the Illyrian general. "Despite everything that happened after, I will always be grateful, Cass."

Cassian's features softened some, and he nodded. Azriel was on the brink of tuning out, but noticed something different. Normally, exchanges such as this caused the very center of his chest to collapse, but tonight?

Nothing. No bitterness. No regret.

There was solely one thing he was pining for: the person whose lithe, slightly callused hand was in his own.

Mor took a slurp of her drink, smacking her lips together. "There's something about a female having all the same parts as you. They know their way around a—"

A baby appeared on Gwyn's lap the exact moment the suggestive word left Mor's mouth, a curious expression on his cherubic face. One of wonder and delight, coupled with healthy fear in those starry indigo eyes, tucking his tiny wings tight to the back of his light blue footed sleeper.

"Oh, sweet Mother!" Feyre yelped, banging her foot as she scrambled out of her chair.

"Guess Nyx has figured out how to winnow." Rhysand stretched. "And I predict that means we're not sleeping tonight. Again."

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