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Mom pushed the door open and looked at me. I was expecting her to be more shocked.

"I-I can explain!" I said

"No need, Ms Baxter explained what happened at swim class." She said "but I didn't expect you to use the diaper" she came up to me and felt the back "oh you really had to go" then she looked down the back of the diaper "we'll need to change you soon, but I would like to talk first"

She put the toilet seat down and sat on it, then she picked me up and sat me on her lap, smooshing the poop even more.

"Listen," she said looking very serious "I told you that you should only play like a little boy when I'm around! You inconvenienced your instructor, you made Ms Baxter and me worry about you, and you'll have to wear diapers to rest of the swim classes!"

I looked at the floor, tears streaming down my eyes.

"Do you understand?" She said and brought my chin up with her hand. "Tell me yes or no"

"Yes, I understand" I said

"So you understand why I am angry with you?"She asked me


"Since you had such a hard time being a big boy, I need you to chose one. Big boy or a baby" She said "do you understand?"

I nodded

"I know we have been pretending you've been a little boy, but if you choose to be a full on baby, there's going to be some new rules" she said "Rule 1: you have to wear and use diapers. The bathroom is off limits, both number 1 and number 2 are to be done in your pants.

Rule 2: you will not ask for changes, i or someone else will change you, not yourself

Rule 3: I'll bathe you, no cleaning yourself. Yes even your privates

Rule 4: you will be using babyish language. I'm now mommy, your diaper is now your diapie, and you now will be going pee pee and poo poo.

Rule 5: you will not be apprehensive or embarrassed about being a baby; that means getting changes, being naked, and behaving like a baby should all be done in public as well as private"

Final and most important rule: you are a baby. Even if you look like a 16 year old boy, I will take care of you, treat you, and punish you like a baby

Do you understand what would happen if you chose to be a full baby?"

I looked down sniveling. Tears ran down my face and dropped down hitting my diaper

"Say yes or no" she said

"Yes mommy" I said through sniffles

"Now, that last part about punishing you like a baby; that's important. The reason I'm making you chose is not because you went potty in your diaper, it's because you made one of the instructors help you go to the bathroom." She said holding up the letter that Isabel wrote

On the letter it said dear parent/guardian of Mike, I must ask you stay in the building for swim lessons with your son, especially since he has trouble going to the restroom by himself. My co-instructor had to step away to help him and it slowed down class for the other students. Thank you, Isabel

What a nark! I didn't ask for help going potty! Derek just took me!

"That's why I'm making you choose, you are making it makes it hard on others by pretending to be a little boy. Chose one or the other, if you choose to be a big boy, then I won't treat you like a baby at all, you can't have play dates with your baby friend. But you'll have all the privileges of being a teen" she said "do you understand?"

"Yes" I said

"Before you make your decision I need to punish you for acting like a baby and peeing yourself at the pool! The instructors had to slow class again today to put you in a swim diaper, and not only that! You peed and pooped it!" She said pulling back the waistband again "that is why I need to punish you. Since you acted like a baby messing this diaper, I'm going to punish you like one, then you can decide wether you want to be a full time baby or big kid for the rest of the summer" she said

"What do you mean by punished like a baby?" I asked getting scared

"Good question, after I get you out of that poopy diaper, I'm going to give you two options; 20 spanks or 10 spanks and 10 minutes in the naughty corner. Just the same as when you were little" she said

"Do I choose now?" I said

"You have time to think it over while I wipe you butt" she said picking me up like a baby; one hand on my diapered butt, other on my back. She put a towel on the floor and sat me down on it. She gently pushed me over and untaped the swim diaper, she lifted my butt of the ground by my legs and pulled the diaper off my butt. She then started wiping away.

My face was beet red and covered in tears and snot. My hands hid my eyes from my mothers caring yet disappointed gaze.

When my behind was clean she disposed of the messy diaper and wipes, then she picked me up again and sat on the toilet with me on her lap, butt naked. "Have you decided? 20 spanks or 10 spanks and 10 minutes in the naughty corner?"

"10 spanks and 10 minutes in the corner" I said sullen

"Ok" she said as she laid me across her lap. She hasn't spanked me in 6 years! Last time she did was because me and my friend peed on a house plant. "I need you to count how many times I hit your bottom"

"Yes mommy" I said fearing how hard she would spank me.

I saw the shadow of her hand raise up and come down. Striking my backside with a moderate amount of force, it came down on my right butt cheek

"One" I said with gritted teeth

The second came down of my left butt cheek,


This continued, she slapped in between my cheeks a few times but mostly she alternated side to side.

When she spanked me for the tenth time I was full on crying now. She sat me up on her lap and she hugged me. She hugged me back and rubbed my red bottom.

"I know baby, I know. I want you to understand that I'm doing this because I love you. I doing this because i know you want to choose being a baby, I want you to know what would happen if you did and I had to punish you again" she said

"I know" I said sniffling

"Now, ten minutes in the corner. During this time I want you to think about the choice you want to make; big boy or little baby"

"Yes mommy" I said as she carried me to the kitchen. She sat me on a stool and faced me towards the corner. The hard stool pressing up against my sore butt was painful. Pulses of pain shot through my bottom with my blood. I stared at the wall and tried to stop crying. Mom busied herself making lunch.

Ten long minutes passed and mom came to me and turned me around to face her. She wiped my face with a cloth then asked "have you decided?"

"Yes... I want... I want to be a baby" I said embarrassed

"Remember, this will be for the whole summer. I don't want you switching between being a baby and a big boy, it creates difficulties." She said

"Yes I understand" I told her

"And you remember all the rules I told you?"


"Good, let's get you dressed"

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