First Day of Swim Lessons

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16 year old doesn't know how to swim so gets out in baby swim lessons, he gets treated like a baby

My name is mike, I'm 16 but I've never taken swim lessons. So one summer, my mom decided it was time for me to start. There is a relatively small community pool near where I live, maybe 10 minute drive away. I still couldn't drive myself so my mom dropped me off.

About a week ago before the start of my swim lessons, mom told me I was doing this and showed me the website on the phone. The class was call guppy's, it was undoubtedly the right level, being for complete beginners. It didn't say anything about age, but the pictures showing the class showed that all the students were little baby's, between 2-3. Most in diapers. I couldn't believe it. Sure I hadn't ever swam before and this was the only beginner class they had, but...

So you could imagine that when the time came for me to walk through the threshold into the pool. I felt a mixture of angry, embarrassment, and fear.

I walked behind the queue of people. Most were children between the ages of 8-12. Each one of them told the person working at the front desk their name and what class they were checking in for.

I remembered seeing those other classes on the website, I had pled with my mom, that even though I was a beginner, to sign me up for piranhas -the next level up who's students weren't in diapers- or even the sharks -the last level before advanced- but she wasn't having it. She knew I would only get better if I learned the basics before the advanced stuff.

The student in front of me, an eight or nine year old, finally went; he said "hello, my name is Dom, checking in for sharks"

The lady at the front clicked her mouse a few times then said "welcome Dom! You can go get changed and your instructor will be ready for you soon!"

Dom walked into the locker room and I stepped up to the front desk.

The lady was doing something on her computer but I didn't speak up.

"Hello?" She said "can I help you?"

"I'm... I'm here for swim lessons" I told her

"The advanced lessons don't start for another hour?" She said a little confused

She thought I was in the advanced classes!

"Oh no I'm in the guppy's" I said whispering that last word

"What son? What class are you in? You have to speak up" She asked again

"Guppy's" I said just quite enough for her so hear

She blinked a few times and at first I thought she didn't hear me, "so guppy's, what's your name?"

"Mike" I said

"Yup, you're on our list, you can go get changed, your instructor will be on the pool deck shortly" she said

I felt like the whole world was judging me.

"You're in class with babies!"

The world taunted

I walked into the locker room. I saw Dom pull down his pants. I looked away as quick as I could and went to a corner with the fewest people. I realized that my choice of underwear was a horrible one. This morning I picked underwear that might be considered childish.

Pink briefs with a big red heart on the butt.

I looked around and when it looked like everyone had their backs turned I pulled down my pants. Just then Dom and a few other kids around his age turned around stared at me and snickered. They walked past to the pool.

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