chapter 6

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"Dorm" was an understatement. Their apartment looked like a mansion!

I followed the members of BTS past room after room, a grand staircase with fancy chandeliers hanging over it, a dining room area with a giant ebony wooden table in the center, and a kitchen with several sleek cabinets and a massive, floor-to-ceiling fridge, stocked with practically millions of items. My socks awkwardly slid across the clean tile floors. I felt like a peasant compared to all the grandeur and excess of their dorm. Being rich and famous must be nice.

Finally, we reached a living room area with a balcony outside, offering a breathtaking view of the nighttime cityscape of Seoul. They sat down on a long, plush couch in front of an oversize flat-screen TV, taking out their food. I opted to sit on the floor, since they took up most of the room on the couch. "Let's play karaoke!" Namjoon announced.

Now I have to compete against BTS? I mentally sobbed inside. Ever since my trainee days, the only singing I've done was in the shower or in my car. I definitely lost a lot of the techniques I learned, so I was not going to win against any Kpop singer.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi all chose some rap songs to sing, Taehyung sang a BTS song that I didn't know, Jin sang "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes, Jimin sang "you Are Not Alone" by Michael Jackson, and Jungkook chose to sing "One Last Time" by Ariana Grande. Everyone scored above 90, because of course they did. Then it was my turn.

"Sing a BTS song!" Jimin said excitedly. The other members nodded and smiled at me in agreement.

I laughed nervously. "I, uhhhhh......haven't really listened to you guys that much." Yeah, because I was trying to avoid you.

Everyone looked offended but laughed it off, except for Jungkook who just stared at the floor. I scrolled through the songbook, trying to pick one that I could at least kind of sing. Finally, I chose a song that I thought was pretty good. I pressed in the numbers on the microphone, and "Good Day" by IU showed up on the TV. The song Jungkook loved, and the one I'd always sing for him. 

The members all gasped. "Y/n, you can still sing this song?" Jin asked.

"We'll see," I replied.

"I remember when y/n would sing this song so much, management told him to stop because that high note at the end would damage his vocal cords," Yoongi reminisced

I hoped to end the karaoke performance with my vocals still intact. The violin intro played, opening up the song. I started singing but my voice trembled. Since I was cut from the trainee program, I never sang in front of other people again. This was definitely uncomfortable to do. I tried to control my voice and get more into the song, but I couldn't.

"Come on, y/n!" Jungkook encouraged. "You've got this!"

And that was all I needed. I got up from the floor and stood in front of the TV so everyone could see me. I was no longer scared, and my singing improved tremendously. As I approached the high note of the song, all seven of them leaned forward, waiting to see if I still could reach the note. I reached the first high note and it was a bit flat. The second high note was okay, and as I got to the third and final one, I hit it perfectly. I closed my eyes and took it all in. This was the first time I had sung in front of other people in 9 years, and I had done pretty well.

As the last line of the song ended, all the members got up and started cheering, clapping, and patting me on the back. For the first time on this trip, I smiled. A giant, proud smile. The score that appeared on the screen was 85, and everyone groaned.

Jungkook shook his head. "That TV lied. You definitely won the karaoke." He patted my head, and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

The others nodded. "Should we watch a movie now?" Hoseok suggested.

As the others picked a Studio Ghibli movie to watch, Jungkook invited me to sit with him on the couch. I accepted, and leaned back on the cushions next to him. Finally, I felt like I belonged with the other members. I felt loved and appreciated for my talents, and I finally got to see Jungkook be proud of me again. I wanted to stay here forever. 

a drink and fries (jungkook x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now