chapter 12

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I glanced down at my clasped, trembling hands in my lap. My driver had picked me up from the hotel the morning after I arrived back in Seoul. I made sure to wake up early and print hard copies of the scripts to pass out to the members of BTS for the commercial shoot. I also tried and failed to come up with exactly what I was going to say to Jungkook. Wow, this will be a long day.

"This is the studio, Mr. l/n," announced my driver. The car pulled up next to a giant, nondescript building without any windows resembling a warehouse. I stepped out of the car and walked inside, coming face-to-face with a real, life-sized replica of an actual McDonalds restaurant!

The replica had everything you could find in a McDonalds, and the film crew had even added lights around the windows and in a square pattern along the floor and ceiling to give it a futuristic look. I decided to sit down at a table and review the script one last time:

RM: Yeah, we're here. For the BTS meal.

Jungkook: A drink and fries.

V: Chicken McNuggets.

Suga: And one more thing...

J-Hope: Mmm ... two more things.

Jimin: Sweet Chili sauce.

Jin: And Cajun.

RM: Get the BTS meal at McDonalds

Suddenly the doors opened, and the members of BTS entered the McDonald's restaurant set. I stood up immediately, my heart pounding in my chest. Jungkook was here.

"Hey guys! Here are the scripts for the commercial that I printed out! Please take your time to memorize your lines for the commercial," I instructed, passing out the scripts to the members.

Jimin nodded at the McDonald's set. "It looks just like a real McDonalds! Good job, y/n!"

I nod. "Thanks, Jimin! This is my first ever time directing a commercial, so I'm a bit nervous."

While the members go over their scripts with each other, Jungkook hesitantly approaches me. I freeze up. "Y/n..." he begins.

But before he can finish his thought, one of the cameramen approaches me and taps me on the shoulder. "Mr. L/n, where in the McDonald's should we film the commercial?"

I reluctantly turn away from Jungkook to answer the cameraman's question. Even though I'm a bit sad I can't talk to him, I know this isn't the right time. What could I even say to him? I hurt him so much.

Finally, the members finish memorizing their scripts. I take my seat in the folding chair labeled "Director" and watch as the staff instruct the members of BTS on where to film. After multiple takes and consulting the cameramen, I can see the commercial coming together. But I still think something's missing.

"For the ending shot, I think we should add something that viewers can laugh at and remember. Maybe Taehyung, since you love chicken nuggets, you can grab one from the tray and eat it in front of everyone?"

Taehyung laughed. "Yeah, I was thinking of doing that."

We film one final take for the commercial, and I grin. This is the one!

I get out of the director's chair and approach BTS. "Now let's do a photoshoot."

I lead the members of BTS to a photoshoot area where they pose with the different meal items they selected. When it's Jungkook's turn to take a solo shot with his drink and fries, he looks into the camera with a hopeful smile. I've been avoiding his eyes all day because I don't want to see the hurt I caused him. But now I have to look at him, into those beautiful eyes of his. It's my job as a director to do that. When he's done posing, I slowly look away and see the shot the cameraman took of him, trying not to cry.

"That's a good picture."

After snapping a few more pictures of the members, we're done for the day. I turn to BTS. "Thanks for all your hard work, and for working with me on this commercial! I'll make sure it turns out great."

Jungkook hesitantly turns back towards me, but suddenly Namjoon puts his arms around his shoulders as they walk out of the studio. Realizing that I lost another chance to talk to Jungkook, I sink down in one of the booths at the McDonalds set. The cameramen and other staff leave the studio, leaving me there alone. I text my driver that I'll be out in a few minutes, knowing that I just want to put my head on the table and do nothing. I've created such a mess.

"Y/n, I hope I'm not the reason you're all sad," a voice calls out. My head springs up from the table where it was resting. It can't be.

Jungkook gives me a sad smile. "Can I sit with you?"

I nod, as Jungkook lowers himself into the opposite side of the booth.

"I told the other members I wanted to talk to you some more, so they left already. Don't worry."

Jungkook continues. "I... really want to say I'm sorry for what I said. Having to hear about us every day must have been hard for you, right? While we became successful without you. I should have realized that. But do you know how hard it was for me? I never wanted to lose you. I wanted you to be there with me."

He turns away from me to look around at the McDonalds. "This McDonald's set reminds me of the time we went there as trainees, remember? When we said what dreams we had. Where we said we would get into the group together and go visit places all over the globe on our world tour."

I nod, tears coming to my eyes. How could I ever forget? "I miss those days. I miss the time we spent together as trainees."

Jungkook gazes at me. "What if we could start over and try again? What if we could continue our relationship from that day?"

I sit in silence for a moment, even though I already know the answer. "If we did that, then I'd be madly in love with you. I'd want to make your dreams come true. But we both know that can't happen."

"Why not?"

I avoid Jungkook's eyes. "Because you're on top of the world now, and I'm a nobody. I can't move on. I don't deserve the love you give me."

Jungkook keeps his unrelenting gaze on me. "I meant what I said in the car, y/n. I meant that I loved you. I've been waiting nine years to say that to your face. So please, can we make it happen?"

Jungkook holds out his hands on the table, looking into my eyes with a pleading gaze. I know full well what I'm getting myself into if I take his hands. It would mean that all the work I've done to avoid BTS would be for nothing. But it would also mean that I could let my pain go. I look at Jungkook's hands, outstretched on the table as if wanting to save me. What should I do?

I've been holding onto this pain for years. It's made me become another person, but now I remember how young I was as a trainee. How in love with Jungkook I was. How I would've given anything for him. How I want to experience that kind of love again. Slowly, tears streaming down my face, I take his hands in mine.

"Let's make it happen."

a drink and fries (jungkook x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now