chapter 14

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The smell of Korean barbeque hits me as I enter the restaurant. Tables around the restaurant are filled with people chatting, cooking beef and pork over the grills on the table, and drinking soju and makgeolli. Jungkook and I sit down.

"Have you eaten here before?" asks Jungkook.

I shake my head. "It looks really popular though."

Jungkook smiles. "I'll order and cook for the both of us. You'll love it."

After the waiter brings us the raw meat, Jungkook takes the tongs and places the meat on the grill, heating it up. Before cooking, though, he takes off the trench coat and rolls up his shirt sleeves, exposing his forearms. As he cooks the meat, I can't help but stare at his arm muscles moving while he uses the tongs. I can see other people from the nearby tables staring at Jungkook as well.

"You must be really interested in my cooking," Jungkook remarks, smirking at me.

I look away, trying not to blush. "I... I guess so."

Finally, when the meat is fully cooked on both sides, Jungkook grabs a plate and gives some to me. I try some, and grin. "You're pretty good at cooking!"

Jungkook shrugs. "I'm okay. But if you like my cooking so much, I'll make anything you want when we live together..."

I try not to blush again, and focus on pouring the makgeolli into my small glass cup. When I'm done, I clink my glass with Jungkook. "Cheers!" we both say.


"Where are we going last?" I ask Jungkook as we leave the restaurant and enter the cold spring night air.

Jungkook can barely contain his excitement. "You'll love this place!"

As we keep walking along the brightly lit street, I shiver. Somehow, in my careful outfit selection this morning, I forgot to bring a sweater. But I widen my eyes as Jungkook puts his thick trench coat around my shoulders.

"I'll keep you warm, don't worry," reassures Jungkook, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

Jungkook puts his arm around my shoulder as I lean closer to him, and we both look at the bright neon lights of Seoul as we continue walking. Signs advertising bars, convenience stores, cafes, and other businesses light up our path and illuminate us in bright colors. I'm reminded of how much I missed this city during my years away from home.

Finally, we stop in front of a building lit up with a bright pink sign - "KARAOKE BAR."

I grin at Jungkook. "You know me too well, huh?"

"I just thought I would give us something fun to do. At least, it'll be fun for me when I beat you," Jungkook replies, patting my shoulder.

I push his hand off, smiling. "Who knows?"

We enter the karaoke bar, and the man at the front desk gives us the key to one of the rooms, along with a menu of food items we can order from inside. After we find the room, Jungkook and I sit down. Our karaoke room has a large TV, a table in front of a couch, and a song book, TV remote, and microphone placed on the table. Jungkook flips through the song book until he finds a song.

"I'll start with this one," Jungkook decides, pointing to "Save Me" by BTS.

Jungkook punches the number for "Save Me" into the remote control, and begins singing the song. I can't help but lean back into the couch and close my eyes, listening to his beautiful voice. As he finishes the song, the TV screen adds up his points to 92.

Jungkook bows as if he's just done a performance on stage, then hands the microphone to me.

"Your turn, y/n," he teases, smirking at me.

I take the mic from his hand and think hard about a song that can beat Jungkook's score. Jungkook had told me that he wished I'd listened to more BTS, so over the past few days I've been catching up on 10 years of songs that I've missed. Finally I decide on "134340" by BTS.

As the song starts, I pay close attention to the lyrics. I don't know the song very well since I only started listening to BTS a few days ago, but I try my best. The rap parts trip me up a little, but when I get to the chorus of the song, I can relax. I sing the high parts with ease, since that's what I was good at as a trainee. When the song ends, I await the TV score.

I wince when the TV adds up my score to 79. "Jungkook... I need to go again."

Jungkook shakes his head and reaches out his hand so I can give him the mic. "You had your turn..."

I give Jungkook my best puppy dog eyes. "Let me go again..."

Jungkook sighs. "Okay, one more time."

Flipping through the song book, I concentrate hard on what song would fit my voice. What song could I sing that would impress Jungkook and give me a good score? My eyes land on Jungkook's song. "Euphoria." What if I sang the song he dedicated to me, but for him? Would I sing it badly and hurt him? Would I get a low score? But then I think some more. Would it make him smile? I hope it will.

I punch in the number for "Euphoria" into the remote, and the screen lights up. "'EUPHORIA' BY BTS." Jungkook stares at me in shock as I pick up the mic. "Y/n..."

I want to respond to him, but the opening notes of the song begin. So I close my eyes and imagine all the emotions Jungkook probably poured into this song. I imagine the love he felt for me, and the love I felt for him. I try to sing "Euphoria" with all the love and innocence we had in that brief moment, before the world took us separate ways. I want Jungkook to know how sorry I am for not knowing about this song before, for shutting him and everything about him out of my life.

I want Jungkook to know how much I love him.


which bts songs would you guys sing at karaoke? i'd try to do "just one day" but i don't know korean 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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