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-Your POV-
Fourty minutes. That is how long it has been since I forced the blood through Kid's heart. I have been pumping his heart this whole time to circulate the body through his body. My arms are sore but I can't just give up on him. I'm close to have him back. I feel it.

"I'm worried about her. What know....something DOESNT happen?" Liz whispered to Maka. They thought I was zoned out and couldn't hear them. That all I was focused on was Kid but no. I was trying to focus on anything BUT Kid. To distract myself yet still keep moving my arms to pump his heart.

Everyone had left me and split away after the first ten minutes after the injection. They gave up trying to pull me from Kid.

It has been quiet for the most part, BlackStar's complaints about hunger coming up every now and then , but now they had lost hope. They thought I was going mad and all they could do was gossip about me as though I wasn't even here.

"She will be fine." Maka responded. At least one of them still had faith in me. "I'm sure there is a reason as to why she hasn't given up yet." With that I pushed through the pain flaring up in my arms and pumped harder. {I get that it sounds sexual. 😖I apologize.}

-Kid's POV-

"Look we have been here in...what did you call it? Beyond? For hours. When are we getting out. " I complained to Katherine. We have been walking the whole time and the "gates" were still as close as they were when we first arrived.

Katherine looked over her shoulder at me then glanced at the gates. A frown formed and she turned back to face forward.

"Something isn't right. We should have been moving by now." She muttered to herself. We stopped walked and she turned to me. "How much faith do you have in your girlfriend?"

"What?" I asked. What does my faith in ___ have anything to do with this?

"I think something is wrong and she might be the reason why. If I'm right then she should have the blood by now and injecting it into our systems. Luckily she doesn't know the long term affects it will have on us because then she wouldn't do it. But still. We should be back by now." Katherine looked up into the darkness with irritation and I think a hint of fear.

"You're afraid to die. Aren't you?" I felt a smile start to spread across my face.

"No. I'm not. Remember we are already dead. It's what's waiting on the other side of those gates that would have someone like me scared out of my wits." she gestured to the gates of Beyond and glared at me. I laughed.

She turned and began to walk again when I felt a pain flare in my chest. I gasped and fell to the ground, hand over heart as if I could rid myself of the pain by applying pressure. Of course it didn't go away.

"What happened?" Katherine asked monotonously as she walked over to me and kneeled down.

"I don't know" I breathed out and sucked in a sharp breath as the pain started to spread from my heart to my arms and upper legs. "What..the happening...?" Not only was the pain moving but it was intensifying.

"That damned bitch. She didn't inject me." The pain was now in my head. "Listen closely, lover boy, when you get back your going to be exactly the same. Those long term effects I was talking about, can't apply to you. just humans and witches like myself. However, since you've already died once, your second death will take you somewhere else. You won't be able to join anyone past the Gates of Beyond. Just a fair warning." I was now enfolded with so much pain that it was hard to focus on the witch. "Tell ___ thanks and that when she joins me one day, I'll get her back for killing and allowing me to die," was the last thing I heard before blacking out.

Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now