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I opened my eyes. I sat up slowly and looked around. I saw that I was in the nurses office at school. I guess they panicked when I fainted and brought me here. I turn to the side and placed my feet in the floor and pushed myself up. I walked to the door and was about to open it when I heard voices coming from the other side.

"You sure she is going to be okay?" A voice, Kid's, asked.

"Yes. It appears she just fainted from shock. She should be awake any minute now." Stein said. I then opened the door and stood in front of them. I saw that not only Kid was there but BlackStar, Maka,and Tsubaki were there too.

"I'm fine." I said and pushed past them. I needed to talk to Lord Death so I started to head towards the Death Room.

"Where are you going? " BlackStar asked while everyone followed me.

"To Lord Death. I need to talk to him." They started talking about how rude it is to just walk into a room without being asked but i just ignored them. I didn't want to talk to them. I should have gone on the mission. They shouldn't have withdrew the information. Especially not Kid.

I entered the Death Room and saw Spirit, Stein, and Sid standing side by side. As I started to walked farther into the room I heard a familiar cackle.

"I knew you couldn't stay away, honey." Katherine said as the three adults side stepped so she could make eye contact with me.

"_____, what are you doing here? " Lord Death asked. I walked all the way up to his circular stage and stood in front of Katherine.

"I'm here to figure some stuff out."

"That's what we are doing right now. So why don't you go off with your friends and pl-"

"I have as much a right as anyone else to be here right now!There are questions I have that only she can answer!" I yelled cutting off Sid.

"She is right Sid." Stein said.

"Go on. You may ask you questions. " Lord Death urged. I took a deep breath and started from my very first question.

"Why?" I asked.

"You going to have to be a bit more specific, darling." Katherine replied sounding smug.

"Why me? Why my family? Why now?"

"To answer the first and last question; Because your young. I could have influenced you to do what I wanted just like my cousin did with her child. Unfortunately, your stupid father already had some hooks in you so I could only do so much." Her voice had angerand edge in it. "And for the second one; Because your powerful."

"Ya I know that. And no offence to Lord Death and Kid but why didn't you choose the Shinigami? They just as powerful, if not more, as me."

"You have so much to learn, darling. No they aren't. Not even close. You the most powerful being on this planet. And the best part is, you don't even understand how to access you full power." Okay, admittedly I was a bit shocked at that. I couldn't imagine being more powerful then Kid.

"Fine. A few days ago, why did you take my blood?"

"You already know the answer to that one, honey."

"Answer the question." I said. She sighed.

"To control you. But your friends over there destroy my whole gallery of samples, including yours, do now I cant anymore." She glanced over her shoulder and glared at my friends. " By the way, do you know how long it took me to get a collection that big? Very rude of you to destroy it if you ask me."

"Good thing no one asked you then." Maka said. I stiffled a laugh and started to question her again.

"What so you need them for?" I nodded my head towards Kid, Maka, Tsubaki, and Blackstar.

"Honey!-" I cut her off before she could finish

"Stop calling me that!" She shrugged her shoulders but didn't repeat the name.

"_____, you think I could defeat Death and Life with just one inexperienced little Seimeichokami? No. I needed the kishin slayer, the very powerful yet highly annoying meister, and of course, the Shinigami." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Death AND Life?" I repeated.

"You don't honestly think your the only one of your kind left do you?" She then threw her head back and erupted into laughter. "How the hell do you think I know how most of your powers work? Your stupid excuse of a father isn't dead! Its next to impossible to kill the God of life, you idiotic child!" And she continued laughing.

"He's ..... alive?" I whispered. "Excuse me, Lord Death, but I'm done." I then started tto walk out of the room numbly. I just let my feet move where ever tthey wanted to go.

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