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"Well I'm going to leave you to pick up the pieces, honey." As Katherine started to turn around, I stood up.

"No. Bitch, you are going to Lord Death and getting punished." I started towards her.

"Honey, you can't do anything." She said. Something came over me that told me otherwise. I kept walking towards her, my vision dotting red. "Now honey, think about how he's going to think of you." She gestured to Kid.

"Shut up, Katherine. You've done nothing but ruin lives and it's time that stops." I felt a huge amount of energy swim through me. I instinctively stuck my arms out and saw huge beams of green and white shoot from my hands and hit Katherine. She was thrown back and hit the cave wall landing on the ground limply. BlackStar walked over to her and touched her neck.

"She's unconscious. Let's get back to Death City. There's a party coming and I need to prepare for my big entrance." BlackStar threw Katherine's body over his shoulder and walked back to where we all entered from.

"I'm sure those fish won't last very long." Lionel said. i nodded. "Alright, I'm coming and I'm going to guess King Life is too." My father nodded and we all walked over to BlackStar.

We swam out of the underwater cavern and surfaced the ocean. I climbed up the rocks and summoned AnneMarie again. The rope was still attached to my board so I threw it at Maka. Kid climbed up and did the same throwing his rope to BlackStar.

"I shall carry Lionel." Life said. I just nodded. I couldn't speak not after all that has happened. I boarded AnneMarie and flew off the rocks. My father flew with small leaf shape rockets and Crona with his weird wings. I didn't look at Kid but I knew he was following also.

As we rode back to the coast, I realized that Lord Death wouldn't be to happy either. They both will kill me. And I was okay with that. Kid hated me and I couldn't deal with that. Not for the rest of my life.

"_____! Land all ready!" I heard Maka yell. I looked down and saw that I was already over the beach. I slowly lowered and allowed Maka to untie herself. Then I landed and got ride of AnneMarie.

"Let go." I said and started to walk.

"Wait a second." I heard Kid's angelic voice speak.

"What?" I snapped. My anger from Katherine still hadn't let up.

"You can't just walk away with out giving an explanation." He said. I frowned and turned back around and continued to walk. "You can't ignore this either."

"IM NOT IGNORING IT!" I turned and raised my arms in anger. "I JUST WANT TO GET BACK TO THE CITY, GET RIDE OF HER, AND GO AWAY!" I yelled at him. "Look I know I have no right to be angry, but-"

"Actually, I think you have every right to be anger." Maka said. She walked over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders. "We all know you killed Kid's mother," He flinched at that statement," But there must be a reason behind it. You probably didn't even know who she was." My vision started to fill with my tears.

"You want to go away?" Kid asked.

"Damn Kid, made a girl cry. That's so uncool." Soul said.

"Umm we are just going to walk ahead." Lionel and father started to walk. I pulled away from Maka and went over to Kid.

"I'm sorry." I said avoiding eye contact with him. "I was only eleven. I had been with Katherine for eight years and had been scared to death of her. I was only out of that cage she had me in for one year. I had been begging to be release a lot at the time, so one day she told me I could go into the world with her. Of course, she said I had to do every thing she wanted but I was so focused on freedom that I didn't care. I just agreed. After a few months, she had me stealing beating and threatening people. One night, she brought me to a small cottage, there I saw a woman with long black hair and pale white skin. Katherine told me I had to kill her. I didn't want to but something made me walk inside and shoot her with a gun I was given. Right before she died, she looked me in the eyes and smiled." My tears had started to overflow. "It was a forgiving smile, like she understood and was okay with it. I was praised by Katherine but after that I never followed her requested again. Not long after that I had turned twelve and discovered my powers. Once she realized she wasn't controlling me any more, she locked me back up. And I stayed there until I broke out."

"Dude, that witch is so not cool!" Soul said. It made me smile a bit that he was being his usual 'cool' self.

"Seriously?" Tsubaki asked. "That's just so mean?"

"Madam Medusa never made me kill!"Crona said as Ragnorok appeared "Liar." he said. I didn't care about their comments. I watched Kid to see is reaction. He did just find out that I killed his mom.

"Come on. We need to get Katherine back to Death City." Kid said while walking and leading the way.

"What an idiot." BlackStar said while lifting Katherine from where he had dropped her.


"Good job! And welcome back Life!" Lord Death said while shaking hands with my father.

"Thanks Death. I really missed this place. Always knew that is was a good idea." After reporting to Lord Death what happened we all left and went home. I decided to head to the manor and pack a bag or clothes.

"Where are you going?" I was about to open the door when Liz spoke.

"PRETTY GIRL, DONT LEAVE!" Patty yelled.


-Kid's POV-

"So, what are you going to do?" Soul asked. The girls were ahead of us as we walked out of DWMA.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "My mind is saying to never talk to her again meanwhile my heart is still yearning for her touch." I admitted.

"Dude, you need to do what you think is right." He said.


"Shut up you idiot." Soul said placing his hand over BlackStars mouth. "Just talk to her. "

"I did that."Soul rolled his eyes.

"Alone." I nodded and then soul and BlackStar had to split apart to head to their homes.

Once we got back to my manor, I headed to my room and made sure every thing was symmetrical. Once it was, I layers on my bed staring at my ceiling thinking about _____. After a good half hour I hear Patty yell.

"PRETTY GIRL, DONT LEAVE!" It took me five seconds to connect that statement to ____. Go after her you idiot.Why? She killed your mother. And on top of that she didn't tell you. But you LOVE her. As my mind argued with my feelings I slowly crept downy stairs and hide behind the wall.

"Why?" Liz asked.

"Because." ____ said. Every time I heard her voice I practically swooned.

"That's not a reason." Patty said.

"Ya, is it because of Kid?" Liz paused. "Then stay! Because he will get over it."

"No he won't. I killed his mother. His MOTHER. And I was took weak to bring her back."

"Why didn't you tell him when you first met him?" Liz asked the question I was dying to know.

"I didn't know she was his mother at first. Once I put the connection together, I had already realized that I love him and I didn't want to be the one to cause him pain."

"Kid, come out." Crap Liz knew I was here.I straightened up and walked out from behind the wall. "There, you heard what you needed to hear. Now make up and put this behind you." She said as she and Patty walked back upstairs.

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